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  1. O Anjo Caído – em francês, L'Ange déchu – é uma pintura do artista francês Alexandre Cabanel. Foi pintada em 1847, quando o artista tinha 24 anos, e representa Lúcifer após sua queda do paraíso .

  2. 27 de jun. de 2024 · A figura de Lucifer serviu como um espelho para as complexidades morais e existenciais enfrentadas pelos artistas e intelectuais renascentistas, oferecendo um ponto focal para explorar dilemas éticos e metafísicos.

  3. 18 de nov. de 2018 · Museo: Musée Fabre, Montpellier (Francia) Técnica: Óleo (120,5 x 196,5 cm.) Escrito por: Esteban Iborio. Estudio anatómico del mismísimo Lucifer, que fue durante un tiempo la mano derecha de Dios. Inteligentísimo y muy hermoso, el ángel tenía un pequeño defecto: la soberbia.

    • The Fallen Angel (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel in Context
    • Formal Analysis: A Brief Compositional Overview
    • The Beauty in The Details
    • Frequently Asked Questions

    Below we will look at The Fallen Angelpainting by the French Alexandre Cabanel in more detail. We will provide a brief contextual analysis, discussing why Cabanel painted it and what inspired him, followed by a formal analysis, discussing the subject matter and stylistic characteristics.

    The Fallen Angelby Alexandre Cabanel depicts the moment the Devil was cast out of Heaven. We will explore the subject matter further below along with a discussion about Cabanel’s stylistic approaches. The Fallen Angel (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel; Alexandre Cabanel, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Even though Cabanel had exposure to the great masters of painting from the Renaissance and ancient Roman artand sculpture, The Fallen Angel has been described as “Romanticist”, and maybe it was, considering the subject matter. However, Cabanel’s classical style, including that characteristic naturalism, is still evident in this composition coupled ...

    Who Painted The Fallen Angel?

    The Fallen Angel (1847) was painted by the French artist Alexandre Cabanel. The painting is also titled L’Ange Dechu. Cabanel also painted a study of the same painting in 1846 titled Study for Fallen Angel.

    What Is The Fallen Angel Painting Meaning?

    The Fallen Angel (1847) painting by Alexandre Cabanel depicts the Devil when he was cast out of Heaven. The painting was inspired by John Milton’s poem Paradise Lost(1667) about the Devil’s defiance of God. It also references the War in Heaven found in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

    Where Is The Fallen Angel Painting Housed?

    The Fallen Angel(1847) is housed at the Musée Fabre in Montpellier, France, alongside some of his other paintings. The museum also showcased an exhibition called Alexandre Cabanel, The Tradition of Beauty in 2010.

    • Alicia du Plessis
    • Alexandre Cabanel
    • ( Author And Art History Expert )
    • 1847
  4. 13 principais obras renascentistas para conhecer o período. Laura Aidar. Arte-educadora, fotógrafa e artista visual. A renascença foi uma época em que antigos valores greco-romanos começam a ressurgir na Europa, despontando na Itália no século XIV.

    • Arte-Educadora, Fotógrafa e Artista Visual
  5. Lucifer y el pavo real: un simbolismo coincidente en la pintura renacentista del norte de Europa = Lucifer and the peacock: a coincident symbolism in Renaissance painting in northern Europe. Esperanza Aragonés Estella. 2020, Academia. Edu.

  6. › index › LúciferLúcifer - Ocultura

    Lúcifer (em hebraico, heilel ben-shachar, הילל בן שחר; em grego na Septuaginta, heosphoros) representa a estrela da manhã (a estrela matutina), a estrela D'Alva, o planeta Vênus, mas também foi o nome dado ao anjo caído, da ordem dos Querubins, como descrito no texto Bíblico do Livro de Ezequiel, no capítulo 28.