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  1. 17 de ago. de 2020 · Condicional: If we go on holiday this summer (Se formos ao feriado esse verão) Resultado: We can go to Spain (Nós poderemos ir para a Espanha) Nesse caso podemos usar o can pois o falante pode estar se referindo à possibilidade (não a certeza) de um dos possíveis destinos do feriado ser a Espanha.

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      Condicional: If we go on holiday this summer (Se formos ao...

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      Resposta: a) If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema....

  2. First Conditional Form. 1) If I (go) out tonight, I (go) to the cinema. [ . ] [ . 2) If you (get) back late, I (be) angry. [ . ] [ . 3) If we (not/see) each other tomorrow, we (see) each other next week. [ .

  3. If we ……………… on holiday this summer, we’ll go to Spain. A. go B. goes C. went D. had gone - IF CLAUSE Quiz

  4. 6. If we go (go) on holiday this summer, we’ll go_____ (go) to Spain. 7. If the weather doesn’t improve_ (not / improve), we _won’t have____ (not / have) a picnic. 8. If I don’t go _ (not / go) to bed early, I’ll be____ (be) tired tomorrow. 9. If we eat__ (eat) all this cake, we’ll

    • (13)
  5. If we go on holiday this summer, we will go to Spain. First conditional. No first conditional, o verbo da oração "if" apresenta-se no Simple Present, ou seja, o verbo da oração condicional (iniciada por "if") deve ser flexionado conforme o presente simples.

  6. 7 de out. de 2020 · Resposta: a) If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema. b) If he comes, we will be surprised. c) If we wait here, we will be late. d) If we go on holiday this summer, we will go to Spain. e) She will stay in London if she gets a job. f) I will buy a new dress If I have enough money. g) She will cook dinner if you go to the supermarket.

  7. 51) If we _____ (go) on holiday this summer, we _____ (go) to Spain. 52) If the weather __________________ (not / improve), we________ (not / have) a picnic. 53) If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I __________________ (be) tired tomorrow.