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  1. 31 de mai. de 2024 · Antitrust laws regulate the concentration of economic power to prevent companies from price colluding or creating monopolies.

  2. In the United States, antitrust law is a collection of mostly federal laws that regulate the conduct and organization of businesses in order to promote competition and prevent unjustified monopolies. The three main U.S. antitrust statutes are the Sherman Act of 1890, the Clayton Act of 1914, and the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914.

  3. The antitrust laws proscribe unlawful mergers and business practices in general terms, leaving courts to decide which ones are illegal based on the facts of each case. Courts have applied the antitrust laws to changing markets, from a time of horse and buggies to the present digital age.

  4. 2 de mai. de 2022 · What Are Antitrust Laws? Antitrust laws also referred to as competition laws, are statutes developed by the U.S. government to protect consumers from predatory business practices.

  5. A lei antitruste dos Estados Unidos, é um conjunto de leis principalmente federais que regulam a conduta e a organização de negócios para promover a concorrência e evitar monopólios injustificados. Os principais estatutos são a lei Sherman de 1890, a lei Clayton de 1914 e a Lei da Comissão Federal de Comércio de 1914.

  6. 26 de set. de 2023 · Antitruste é uma estratégia de controle estatal que tem como objetivo fomentar a competição nos setores econômicos, evitando que monopólios se estabeleçam e que sejam praticadas ações que vão contra a livre concorrência, o que poderia afetar negativamente os consumidores.

  7. 20 de dez. de 2023 · The Antitrust Division enforces federal antitrust and competition laws. These laws prohibit anticompetitive conduct and mergers that deprive American consumers, taxpayers, and workers of the benefits of competition.