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  1. Karl Buechner (born December 23, 1970) is an American musician from Syracuse, New York, best known as the frontman for the hardcore band Earth Crisis. He is also the singer of Freya, Path of Resistance, Vehement Serenade, Apocalypse Tribe and 1000 Drops of Venom.

  2. Karl Georg Büchner war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Mediziner, Naturwissenschaftler und Revolutionär. Der Arzt, Dichter und Rebell war auch ein Vorreiter der modernen Psychosomatik. Er gilt trotz seines schmalen Werkes – er starb bereits im Alter von 23 Jahren – als einer der bedeutendsten Literaten des Vormärz. „In der ...

  3. › wiki › Karl_BücherKarl Bücher - Wikipedia

    Karl Wilhelm Bücher (16 February 1847, Kirberg, Hesse – 12 November 1930, Leipzig, Saxony) was a German economist, one of the founders of non-market economics, and the founder of journalism as an academic discipline.

  4. Karl Georg Büchner (17 October 1813 – 19 February 1837) was a German dramatist and writer of poetry and prose, considered part of the Young Germany movement. He was also a revolutionary and the brother of physician and philosopher Ludwig Büchner.

  5. Karl Georg Büchner (Goddelau, Hesse-Darmstadt, 17 de outubro de 1813 — Zurique, 19 de fevereiro de 1837) foi um escritor e dramaturgo alemão . Vida. Seguindo a tradição da família, começou a estudar medicina em 1831. Seu espírito revolucionário logo encontraria um meio de expressão na literatura.

  6. Karl Büchner (* 6. August 1910 in Gaschwitz; † 19. November 1981 in Denzlingen) war ein deutscher klassischer Philologe, der als Professor an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg wirkte (1943–1976).

  7. Karl Georg Büchner (1813-1837): playwright, author of prose and poems, medical and natural scientist, revolutionary. Only for less than one year did Büchner live in Giessen, at age twenty, but this year became a phase of his life in which sharpened political beliefs and consequently turned them into political actions.