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  1. Gabriel Bethlen (Hungarian: Bethlen Gábor; 15 November 1580 – 15 November 1629) was Prince of Transylvania from 1613 to 1629 and Duke of Opole from 1622 to 1625. He was also King-elect of Hungary from 1620 to 1621, but he never took control of the whole kingdom.

  2. Gabriel Bethlen (în maghiară Bethlen Gábor) (n. ca. 1580, Ilia - d. 15 noiembrie 1629 , Alba Iulia ) a fost principe al Transilvaniei între 1613 - 1629 și începând cu 1619 lider al mișcării antihabsburgice din estul și nordul Ungariei în contextul Războiului de Treizeci de ani , în care Transilvania s-a situat de partea puterilor ...

  3. Gabriel Bethlen von Iktár war von 1613 bis 1629 Fürst von Siebenbürgen und von 1619 bis 1626 Anführer von anti-habsburgischen Aufständen im Königreich Ungarn auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Slowakei. Seine Feldzüge fanden im Rahmen des Dreißigjährigen Krieges statt.

  4. Gabriel Bethlen (Iktári Bethlen Gábor en hongrois ; Gabriel Bethlen von Iktár en allemand, Gabriel Bethlen din Budinți en roumain, 1580-1629) est un chef de guerre et un homme politique hongrois transylvain, élu Prince de Transylvanie (1613-1629) et roi de Hongrie (1620-1621, la monarchie étant élective dans ces deux États, ainsi qu'en ...

  5. Gabriel Bethlen (en húngaro: Bethlen Gábor; Marosillye, 15 de noviembre de 1580-Gyulafehérvár, 15 de noviembre de 1629) fue un noble húngaro. Fue príncipe de Transilvania desde 1613 hasta 1629, y una de las figuras más relevantes en la historia húngara del siglo XVII.

  6. Gabriel Bethlen ( Hungarian: Bethlen Gábor; 15 November 1580 – 15 November 1629) was Prince of Transylvania from 1613 to 1629 and Duke of Opole from 1622 to 1625. He was also King-elect of Hungary from 1620 to 1621, but he never took control of the whole kingdom.

  7. Gabriel Bethlen (15 November 1580-25 November 1629), also known as Bethlen Gabor, was Prince of Transylvania from October 1613 to 15 November 1629 (succeeding Gabriel Bathory and preceding Catherine of Brandenburg) and King of Hungary from 25 August 1620 to 31 December 1621 (succeeding Matthias...