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  1. George Miller foi o fundador do Wordnet, uma base de conhecimento lingüístico que mapeia a maneira que a mente armazena e usa a linguagem. Ele passou os últimos anos de sua carreira construindo e ampliando o seu banco de dados.

  2. George Armitage Miller (1920-2012) was an American psychologist and cognitive scientist who co-founded cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. He is known for his work on short-term memory, language, and information theory, and for directing the development of WordNet.

  3. George A. Miller was an American psychologist who was one of the founders of cognitive psychology and of cognitive neuroscience (see cognitive science). He also made significant contributions to psycholinguistics and the study of human communication.

  4. George A. Miller (1920-2012) foi um psicólogo americano que contribuiu com conhecimentos muito relevantes para a psicologia e as neurociências cognitivas. Entre outras coisas, ele analisou como os seres humanos processam as informações que recebemos e foi o primeiro a argumentar que nossa memória tem a capacidade de armazenar até sete ...

  5. The Harvard psychologist George Miller, inspired by information theory, aimed to measure the “channel capacity” of the mind, and found that three very different tasks pointed to the same answer.

  6. George A. Miller is a distinguished emeritus professor of psychology and the author of The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two. He is also the senior research psychologist and principal investigator of WordNet, a large lexical database of English.

  7. 26 de set. de 2012 · George A. Miller, one of the founders of cognitive psychology, was a pioneer who recognized that the human mind can be understood using an information-processing model. His insights helped move psychological research beyond behaviorist methods that dominated the field through the 1950s.