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  1. Juliana, Condessa de Stolberg-Wernigerode (15 de fevereiro de 1506 Stolberg, Alta-Saxônia — 18 de junho de 1580 (74 anos) Casa de Stolberg), foi a mãe de Guilherme, o Silencioso, [1] o líder da bem-sucedida Revolta Holandesa contra os espanhóis no século XVI.

  2. Juliana, Countess of Stolberg-Wernigerode (15 February 1506 in Stolberg, Saxony-Anhalt – 18 June 1580) was the mother of William the Silent, the leader of the successful Dutch Revolt against the Spanish in the 16th century.

  3. Juliana de Stolberg-Wernigerode (Stolberg, 15 de febrero de 1506-Dillenburg, 18 de junio de 1580) fue la madre de Guillermo de Orange, el principal impulsor durante el siglo XVI de la guerra de Flandes que los Países Bajos libraron para conseguir su independencia del Imperio español.

  4. Gräfin Juliana zu Stolberg, auch Juliana von Stolberg, (* 15. Februar 1506 auf Schloss Stolberg; † 18. Juni 1580 auf Schloss Dillenburg) ist die Stammmutter der älteren und jüngeren Linie des Hauses Oranien .

  5. Hooft (1581-1647) prezen Juliana van Stolberg als moeder van de grote Willem van Oranje, maar toch raakte zij snel in de vergetelheid. Pas in de late negentiende eeuw werd zij herontdekt: in 1868 publiceerde de letterkundige W.G. Brill zijn artikel over de stammoeder der Oranje-Nassaus.

  6. 26 de set. de 2018 · Juliana of Stolberg was born on 15 February 1506 as the daughter of Bodo VIII, Count of Stolberg-Wernigerode and Anna of Eppstein-Königstein and her baptism took place ten days later. She would be one of 12 children, and just two of those did not survive to adulthood.

  7. Juliana van Stolberg, lived from 1506-1580 primarily in Germany, but played an outsized role in Dutch history. She was mother to Willem I, Prince of Oranje who would lead the Dutch rebellion against Spain for independence. But he wasn’t her only child to take up the fight.