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  1. Francesco Grimaldi (French: François; English: Francis), called il Malizia (from Italian: " the malicious "), was the Genoese leader of the Guelphs who captured the Rock of Monaco on the night of 8 January 1297. He was the son of Guglielmo Grimaldi by his wife Giacobina or Giacoba, a Genoese noble.

  2. Francesco Grimaldi, francisé en François Grimaldi et dit « le Rusé » (Malizia en italien), né à Gênes et mort en 1309 à Vintimille, est un homme d'État génois du XIII e siècle qui s'empare de Monaco le 8 janvier 1297 et établit la dynastie des Grimaldi, toujours régnante au XXI e siècle.

  3. Francisco Grimaldi (em francês: François), chamado de il Malizia ("o esperto"), foi um genovês líder dos Guelfos e Gibelinos que capturaram o rochedo do Mónaco na noite de 8 de janeiro de 1297. [1] [2]

  4. On the evening of 8 January 1297, François Grimaldi, concealing his weapons under the disguise of a Franciscan monk, took the fortress of Monaco from the Ghibellines, thus beginning the Grimaldi dynasty.

  5. 2 de ago. de 2018 · De François Grimaldi, premier seigneur de Monaco, au prince Albert II, la longue histoire de la principauté et de sa famille souveraine n’a rien d’un long fleuve tranquille. Dès le XIXe siècle, ses casinos et ses palaces attirent tout ce qui compte des sociétés du Second empire et de la Belle époque.

  6. The supporters represent François Grimaldi who, according to legend, in 1297 captured the fortress disguised as a monk. The Prince's Palace of Monaco (French: Palais princier de Monaco; Monégasque: Palaçi principescu) is the official residence of the Sovereign Prince of Monaco.

  7. From François Grimaldi, the first lord of Monaco, to today’s Prince Albert II, the history of the Principality and its sovereign family is long and rich, despite Monaco being one of the smallest states in the world.