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  1. Diplomat and statesman. Born in Yamaguchi. He went to the United States at the age of 13, and graduated from Oregon State University with difficulty. Returning to Japan, Matsuoka became a diplomat, and served in many countries including China, Russia, and the United States.

  2. O diplomata japonês Yosuke Matsuoka estava enfastiado da longa viagem que fizera, via Moscou, desde Berlim. Em Moscou, assinara um tratado de neutralidade com a Rússia. Por meio de um emissário, Matsuoka recebeu uma carta de Winston Churchill, primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido.

  3. 13 de set. de 2022 · Yosuke Matsuoka brings more than 30 years’ experience to the capital’s Tori No Su – as well as a ‘Fugu’ licence qualifying him in the handling of poisonous fish. Having achieved his certificate for culinary arts in Japanese cuisine, Matsuoka started his career as a teppanyaki chef in Osaka, Japan, before moving to the USA ...

  4. Photograph showing Yōsuke Matsuoka outside Union Station after he arrived in Portland on Friday, April 7, 1933. Matsuoka, who had led the Japanese delegation to the League of Nations, was on his way back to Japan from Geneva following his delegation’s withdrawal from the league in February 1933.

  5. Matsuoka Yosuke. Japanese statesman. Learn about this topic in these articles: role in World War II. In 20th-century international relations: Japan’s challenge. …Fumimaro, expecting that Foreign Minister Matsuoka and War Minister Tōjō Hideki would dominate.

  6. This photograph of Yosuke Matsuoka—part of the Oregon Journal collection—was taken in July 1940. Matsuoka was a Japanese diplomat who played a key role in Japan’s foreign relations from the 1900s through the early 1940s.

  7. Yosuke Matsuoka. March 14, 1880 - June 27, 1946. Politician / Diplomat. The Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time of the Japan-U.S. War Talks. Matsuoka was born in Yamaguchi, and from the age of 12 to 22, he struggled through school in the US while working as a dish-washer.