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  1. Alessandro Barsanti (1858–1917) was an Italian architect and Egyptologist who worked for the Egyptian Antiquities Service. He excavated throughout Egypt (most notably he 'discovered' the tomb of Akhenaten in 1891–1892).

  2. Alexandre Barsanti (28 août 1858 - 24 octobre 1917) est un égyptologue italien ayant travaillé au service des antiquités égyptiennes. Biographie. En 1893 et 1894, il fouille le tombeau d'Akhenaton pour le compte du service des antiquités égyptiennes.

  3. Alexandre Barsanti. Details. Type. Individual - Modern. Remarks. Egyptologist, artist, restorer. Giza—early 20th century. Published Documents 1. Petrie, William F. Gizeh and Rifeh. London: School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College & Bernard Quaritch, 1907. Date: 1907. Unpublished Documents 5. ID: HUMFA_GN2_K11_ApxA1_p045.

  4. Alexandre Barsanti (28 de agosto de 1858 - 24 de outubro de 1917) é um egiptólogo italiano que trabalhou a serviço das antiguidades egípcias. Em 1893 e 1894, ele escavou a tumba de Akhenaton em nome do Departamento de Antiguidades Egípcias .

  5. C’est dans une famille originaire de Toscane, installée à Alexandrie, qu’Alexandre Barsanti voit le jour le 28 août 1858. Après avoir suivi des études aux Beaux-Arts de Florence, il intègre l’atelier de Giuseppe Parvis, un peintre - ébéniste - décorateur de style orientaliste installé au Caire.

  6. Works around Alexandre Barsanti in the CCBMN catalogue are at the library. Consult the catalog. Notice ID : 105570 . Updated date : September 26th, 2022.

  7. The pyramid shaft was examined more closely in 1904-1905 by the Italian archaeologist Alessandro Barsanti. Gaston Maspero, then director-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, visited Barsanti's excavations and was struck by the monumental size of the construction.