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  1. Eilika, Duchess of Oldenburg (née Eilika Helene Jutta Clementine Duchess of Oldenburg; born 22 August 1972) is married to Georg von Habsburg, the third in the line of succession to the former Austro-Hungarian throne.

  2. History. King Christian I and Queen Dorothy of Denmark started the royal dynasty in 1450 with the birth of their first child. 2 rigsdaler – death of Frederik VII and accession of Christian IX marking the transfer of the throne to the Glucksburg branch of the House of Oldenburg [3] Count Elimar I was first mentioned in 1091.

  3. Eilika de Oldemburgo (2 de febrero de 1928-2016), se casó con Emico, VII príncipe de Leiningen, hijo mayor de la gran duquesa María Kirílovna de Rusia. Cuando era una niña, Eilika fue una dama de honor en la boda de Juliana I de los Países Bajos con el príncipe Bernardo de Lippe-Biesterfeld .

  4. Graf Egilmar II. (urkundlich bezeugt 1108–1142) gehört zu den Stammvätern des Hauses Oldenburg, dessen Nebenlinie Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg die heutigen Königs dynastien von Dänemark, Norwegen und Großbritannien entstammen.

  5. Eilika of Oldenburg (1928–) German duchess. Name variations: Eilika Stephanie, duchess of Oldenburg. Born Eilika Stephanie Elisabeth Thekla Juliana von Holstein-Gottorp, Feb 2, 1928, at Lensahn, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; dau. of Nicholas, grand duke of Oldenburg, and Helen of Waldeck & Pyrmont; m.

  6. Eilika of Oldenburg (1972–) German duchess. Name variations: Duchess of Oldenburg. Born Eilika Helene Jutta Clementine von Oldenburg, Aug 22, 1972, at Bad Segeberg, Germany; dau. of Johann Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorp, duke of Oldenburg, and Ilka, countess of Ortenburg; m.

  7. Eilika, Duchess of Oldenburg (née Eilika Helene Jutta Clementine Duchess of Oldenburg; born 22 August 1972) is married to Georg von Habsburg, the third in the line of succession to the former Austro-Hungarian throne.