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  1. Ambientado nos anos 1990, o filme Capitã Marvel (2019) traz Carol Denvers (Brie Larson) e um pouco sobre o passado de Nick Fury, que é apresentado no longa a um grupo alienígena do qual ele se tornaria especialista: os Skrull.

  2. As Marvels é um filme norte-americano que serve como sequência para Capitã Marvel, lançado em 2019 e protagonizado por Brie Larson (O Quarto de Jack, Lessons in Chemistry).

    • (335)
    • 9 de novembro de 2023
    • Nia DaCosta
    • 105
    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Abilities
    • Equipment
    • Facilities
    • Relationships
    • Trivia

    ―Nick Fury to Sonya Falsworth

    Director Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Fury is an American spy, the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the founder of the Avengers. Fury began his career of serving his nation within the United States Army, rising to the rank of Colonel before becoming a CIA operative during the Cold War. Fury then joined S.H.I.E.L.D., where he recruited and trained Phil Coulson and John Garrett. In 1995, Fury met Vers and the Skrull General Talos and helped Vers uncover her human heritage as Carol Danvers. The trio fought the Starforce, led by Yon-Rogg, who were targeting Skrull refugees. Fury took a liking to Goose, although she scratched and permanently blinded Fury's left eye. While Danvers then left Earth in order to find a new home for the Skrulls, Fury would summon a team of Skrulls to Earth to secretly aid him with his spy career in exchange for helping them find a home.

    Promoted to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. by Alexander Pierce, Fury focused his efforts over the next fifteen years to organize the Avengers Initiative, intending to bring together powerful individuals to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats. Despite reluctance from World Security Council, Fury recruited Iron Man and Captain America. With the Avengers ready, Fury called on them when Earth was invaded by Loki, who brainwashed an army and stolen the Tesseract. Fury led the Avengers' hunt for Loki, as they attempted to learn what Loki's plan was and who he had been working for. This came to a head following Phil Coulson's death, as Loki was tracked to New York City. There, the Avengers engaged Loki and his Chitauri army, with Fury keeping the World Security Council from nuking the city before Loki was defeated and the Avengers were disassembled.

    Following the Avengers' victory, Fury recruited Captain America as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, while Fury worked on Project Insight, as a means of eliminating people an algorithm determined to be future threats. However, when Fury began to suspect that something was wrong with Project Insight, he then found himself targeted by Winter Soldier, forcing Fury to fake his own death and go into hiding. With limited people he could trust, Fury turned to Captain America along with Black Widow, Falcon and Maria Hill to lead the fight, as he soon discovered that HYDRA had secretly managed to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and Alexander Pierce was their leader, as Captain America had also learned that Winter Soldier was actually his friend Bucky Barnes who had been brainwashed by HYDRA for decades, following Barnes' apparent death in 1945.

    Once Fury and his allies had stopped Project Insight and also killed Pierce, Fury chose to go into hiding to continue hunting down the remaining HYDRA cells. Fury then assisted the now resurrected Phil Coulson in defeating John Garrett while also stopping his plans for Project Deathlok. Following this, Fury chose to promote Coulson to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., telling him to rebuild it from the ground up. Fury had then also aided the Avengers during the Ultron Offensive, serving as support during the Battle of Sokovia. There, he commanded the rebuilt Helicarrier, which Coulson's new S.H.I.E.L.D. worked on.

    In 2018, now operating underground with a hand-picked crew, Fury was one of the trillions of victims in the Snap but had managed to send a distress signal to Captain Marvel before his death. In 2023, Fury was resurrected by Hulk in the Blip and attended Tony Stark's funeral alongside the other Avengers after he sacrificed his life in the Battle of Earth. Fury was then made aware of Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man and was tasked with delivering the E.D.I.T.H. glasses to him. Fury then left Earth to join S.A.B.E.R. and was placed in charge of their space station before he tasked Talos and Soren to impersonate himself and Maria Hill respectively on Earth and to deliver the glasses to Spider-Man on his behalf.

    Early Life
    Military & Espionage Career
    Kree-Skrull War
    Skrull Spy Network
    Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    The Big Week

    ―Nick Fury and Phil Coulson

    Nick Fury is somewhat of an enigma, but his actions prove him to be bold and pragmatic. It's nearly impossible to read his emotions. He is known to manipulate people and is the bearer of many, classified, global security secrets. Nor does he tell whatever happened to his damaged eye. However, while showing Project Insight to Steve Rogers he gives a backstory saying, he lost an eye the last time he trusted someone, insinuating he doesn't trust easily and he is known to compartmentalize. Ironically, Fury lost sight in his left eye over trusting Goose, and not an enemy. His lack of trust in people leads him to the point of even distrusting his own family, as is the case with his mother, whom he asks to call him by the family surname.

    Fury and his organization, S.H.I.E.L.D., share a cynical outlook. Sometimes, Fury finds that cutthroat actions and clandestine, illegal operations are necessary to protect the world. Fury stated that "the world is filling up with people that can't be matched" and advocates methods for S.H.I.E.L.D. to arm themselves against potential threats, even if it involves creating weapons of mass destruction. Fury himself quotes "that S.H.I.E.L.D. sees the world as it is, not how it likes to be seen"; though Captain America believed that Project Insight was controlling people using fear. Fury's main goal was world safety against alien and human threats, going so far as to create a team of people with extraordinary abilities called the Avengers and secretly planned to use the Tesseract for weapons as a secondary security option. The latter was kept a secret, even from the Avengers.

    While his decisions make him appear ruthless and the nature of his profession occasionally requires a moral grey, Fury genuinely cares about human life and didn't see his agents or Avengers as pawns. Phil Coulson was his closest friend and he seems to trust people like Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers and Steve Rogers. However, he did use Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers and used alien biology to bring him back to life, no matter how much Coulson begged to die. In fact, he would often help the Avengers, whether by providing resources or motivating them during turbulent times. When New York was under attack by the Chitauri, the World Security Council insisted on a nuclear strike on New York, but Fury refused to destroy a populated city. He was also seen rescuing people from Sokovia when Ultron uplifted it in the air and intended to use it as a weapon against Earth. Despite being apparently quite a serious person, Fury has displayed a knack for dry humor and use of visual puns whilst regarding his eye and his constant global surveillance, often using irony and metaphors due to the combination, i.e. referring to Tony Stark "I've got my eye on you".

    Fury is a man of great and indomitable will, but he can feel too, as he was shaken with the death of Coulson and was deeply disturbed at seeing Hill fade away due to the Snap. While visiting Tony Stark at Clint Barton's home, Fury told Stark that he cared very much about him. It is also shown that Fury has a soft spot for cats, as shown by his interactions with Goose. Fury was saddened by Stark's death and paid his respects to a fallen friend by attending his funeral.

    The Avengers' failure to stop Thanos from executing the Snap had a profound effect on Nick Fury; shortly after Fury was Blipped back he distanced himself from everyone, deciding to go to space to build the S.A.B.E.R. station and vowed not to return until its completion as Fury had what he described as a "crisis of faith," feeling that no matter how prepared he was, there would always be someone who could defeat him (as shown when he was killed by Thanos in the Snap), cauing Fury to lose hope and feel that he was useless in face of a much more powerful threat. Therefore, Fury decided to go to space and build S.A.B.E.R. as a method to run from his problems and hide from his faith crisis. During that time, Fury would have Talos impersonate him to compensate for his absence, but even Talos would stop hearing from Fury after a while.

    ―Phil Coulson and Skye

    •Master Tactician:

    As the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury needed to be able to make multiple very important strategic decisions at once. Fury can instantly create strategies and plans several steps ahead of his enemies and allies alike, with Phil Coulson stating that he could see five steps ahead. He is able to elaborate complex strategies and apply them in not just battle, but any other activity as well. Arguably the most important operation in the universe was the Avengers Initiative which was spear headed by Fury despite no one else thinking it would work. Fury has showed foresight by instigating many other operations like Theta Protocol, Phase 2, Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., Project T.A.H.I.T.I., and Project Insight to counter threats to global security. He had the plan of hiring Georges Batroc to take over the Lemurian Star so that he could send his agents in and get it back from him. This gave Fury a way onto the ship. He was also able to outsmart Alexander Pierce when the latter had forgotten to delete the retina scan of Fury's blind eye from the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. He also had the plan of sending his Skrull friend, Talos to Earth disguised as him so that he could create a secret project in space.

    ―Tony Stark to Steve Rogers

    •Master Spy:

    Fury is highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, and infiltration, capable of breaching high-security facilities without being detected. When getting locked in a room with Captain Marvel, Fury used tape to get the finger print off the handle and use it to get them out. When he needed intelligence on Bruce Banner, he sat practically unnoticed among restaurant patrons to observe him. Fury also managed to make the majority of those who knew him to think he was dead, including HYDRA and the rest of the world. During his first meeting with Tony Stark, Fury was able to sneak into his mansion without being detected and managed to shut down J.A.R.V.I.S.'s systems. He is such a great spy that he was able to snuff out HYDRA's infiltration into S.H.I.E.L.D., this prompted Alexander Pierce to have the Winter Soldier attempt an assassination on Fury. After the attack, the world believed that Fury had died and he was so sneaky that only select people still know he's alive. His fake death was even able to get past Black Widow for a short time before he told her himself. He was able to think of checking the old S.H.I.E.L.D. radars and decipher the codes in order to find Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz in the middle of the ocean. Quentin Beck was even terrified of Fury finding out his plan that he called him the most dangerous man in the world and threatened to shoot his own partner out of fear.


    Fury has access to an array of S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons, conventional and otherwise. In addition, due to him being the leader of a secret but a covert/military organization, he has access to the most cutting-edge technology S.H.I.E.L.D. has to offer. •SIG Sauer P226: The SIG Sauer P226 was the standard pistol issued to S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel in the 1990s. Fury carried this handgun during his mission to interrogate Carol Danvers. While it was taken from him as he arrived to the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Facility, he managed to take it again, and he used it to hold Talos at gunpoint when he entered into the Rambeau Residence. He also tried to use it when Starforce arrived at Mar-Vell's Laboratory, but Minn-Erva pointed her weapon at him to make him drop it. •Glock 17: The Glock 17 was the standard sidearm used by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, before being replaced by the Smith & Wesson M&P. Fury carried one while he accompanied Tony Stark to his mansion in order to help him overcome his Palladium poisoning finishing Howard Stark's work. He later disarmed "Ruben Steiner" of his sidearm. •Smith & Wesson M&P: The Smith & Wesson M&P pistol is the standard sidearm carried by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and Fury also carried one as his sidearm, using it to fire at Loki while he escaped after having obtained the Tesseract for the first time, when the Helicarrier is attacked, during the Battle at the Triskelion, and to try to kill John Garrett during the Battle at Cybertek. He also carried it while commanding the bridge of the Helicarrier during the Battle of Sokovia, but he did not use it against any of the Ultron Sentries that attacked it. Fury later brought the pistol to Moscow and used it to shoot and kill the Skrull impersonating Vasily Poprishchin. With a threaded barrel now added, Fury carried the pistol when infiltrating the Fairbanks household and held Zachary Fairbanks at gunpoint. He put the pistol on a table when speaking with Varra, who also presented her pistol, and the two shot at each other but intentionally missed. He held Raava at close gunpoint, but he had to leave when footage of "him" shooting Hill surfaced. He also retrieved a new pistol from his hidden facility in Finland. •Remington 870: While moving forward, attempting to get close to Ritson's crashed car, Fury used a sawed-off shotgun to shoot and kill any Skrulls who blocked his path, killing them despite their Bulletproof Vests, until Fury and Talos were able to get to Ritson, with Fury then changing weapons to the M4A1. •M4A1: With more Skrulls surrounding him, Fury armed himself with one of the Skrulls' dropped machine guns, shooting back at the attackers, while reinforcements arrived. Fury continued shooting at the Skrulls, while Talos attempted to free Ritson. However, once Talos had been mortally wounded by Pagon, Fury was forced to drop the rifle and prioritise getting Ritson to safety. •Airtronic RPG-7: A heavy rocket launcher that Fury used to disable a F-35 Lightning II that had received orders to drop a nuclear bomb on Manhattan. Though he successfully shot the rocket launcher and prevented the plane from taking off, another F-35 had been ordered to do the same, and Fury was unable to prevent it. ―Nick Fury and Phil Coulson •Destroyer Armor Prototype Gun: Fury brought the gun to the Battle at Cybertek so he could give it to Phil Coulson and defeat John Garrett, as well as Garrett's army of Deathlok Soldiers. Following the battle, Fury would leave the gun with Coulson. •Missile Launcher: Upon arriving at Gravik's attempted assassination of President Ritson, Fury and Talos had immediately armed themselves with weapons from the back of Fury's car. Seeking to take out Gravik's biggest weapon, Fury took a missile launcher and shot down Gravik's helicopter, causing it to crash and explode. •Tranquilizer Pistol: During his infiltration of King George VII Private Hospital, Fury armed himself with a tranquilizer so that he could take down the United States Secret Service agents guarding President Ritson without killing them. •Kree Pistol:

    Other Equipment

    ―John Garrett to Grant Ward •S.H.I.E.L.D. Uniform: A uniform made up of Kevlar and a fire-resistant material whose kindling temperature is 1,700°F (930°C). The uniform includes numerous S.H.I.E.L.D. paraphernalia such a radio-link tie. •Bulletproof Vest: A personal bulletproof vest worn by Fury for protection against projectiles and shrapnel from explosions. His vest protected him getting shot by Clint Barton when he under Loki's control. •Eye Patch: After getting his eye scratched out by Goose, an alien species known as a Flerken, Fury wore black eyepatches over his blinded eye. He kept one of them in a hidden case inside a fake grave, which he collected before his mission to stop Gravik's plans of world destruction. •Captain America Card Collection: A vintage card collection of Captain America owned by Phil Coulson. Fury took the cards out of Coulson's locker and smeared them in his blood in order to motivate the Avengers into action against Loki. ―Phil Coulson and Nick Fury •Toolbox: A compact digital storage device that holds a collected database of classified S.H.I.E.L.D. files, and additional information. Fury later gave this to Phil Coulson with the purpose of helping him rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. after an infiltration by HYDRA left the organization fractured. •Mouse Hole: Fury had used a Mouse Hole in order to make his escape from his destroyed vehicle during an assassination attempt by the Winter Soldier, cutting through the overturned roof and disappearing into the sewers before the Winter Soldier could catch up with him. •Tetrodotoxin B: After nearly being assassinated by the Winter Soldier who had shot him through the chest, Fury used this heart-slowing serum created by Bruce Banner to fake his death, allowing his heart rate to be slowed so far that it appeared he had no heartbeat at all. •Peruvian 0-8-4: •Gravitonium: •Berserker Staff: •Atmospheric Moisture Freezing Device: •Transmitter Pager: Originally an ordinary Earth pager, Captain Marvel upgraded it with Kree technology and returned it to Fury for use strictly in emergencies. Witnessing half of the universe being executed by Thanos, Fury used the pager to sent a distress call to her before he was erased alongside others. •Infrared Glasses: •Harvest:

    Former Equipment

    •Tesseract: The containment unit of the Space Stone. Fury took possession of the Tesseract after Goose regurgitated it from her body and temporarily used it for several undisclosed S.H.I.E.L.D. projects before eventually giving it to Thor following the Battle of New York.

    ―Talos to Nick Fury

    •S.H.I.E.L.D. Field Office: Fury visited the S.H.I.E.L.D. Field Office, examining the body of a dead Skrull to the lab following the conflict with the Skrull. Upon the departure of Captain Marvel and the Skrulls, Fury returned to the field office with Goose.

    •Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility:

    Fury visited the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility in order to check a spontaneous activation of the Tesseract. During the operation, a portal was opened and Loki spontaneously appeared from it. After Loki killed most of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and controlled Hawkeye, Fury was attacked by Loki's command until he escaped before it got destroyed into the ground.

    •Rambeau Residence: Fury and Vers went to Maria Rambeau's house to ask her questions about her relationship with the crash. Soon, Talos showed up and explained to them how the Kree are actually the bad guys.

    •Mar-Vell's Laboratory: Fury and the others flew up to the laboratory in space. They encountered Starforce and got captured. However, they were freed when Carol Danvers gained her full power.


    •Grandfather •Jack Fury - Father •Katherine Fury - Mother •Varra/Priscilla Davis - Wife


    •Mr. Snoofers † - Pet •Suzie - Childhood Friend •United States Army •CIA •S.H.I.E.L.D. (First Incarnation) - Former Subordinates •R. Keller - Former Superior •Whitcher - Former Colleague •Felix Blake •Victoria Hand † •Eric Koenig † •Isabelle Hartley † •J. Streiten •Goodman •Hank Thompson •Tim Maguire † •Case •Lillian •Susanna •Garrett •Hendricks •Tyler •Galaga Guy •Agent •X •Los Angeles Police Department •Goose - Pet •Maria Rambeau † •Norex † •G'iah - Temporary Enemy and Impersonator •World Security Council •Pamela Hawley •Douglas Rockwell † •Chao Yen † •Jakuna Singh † •Laura Barton - Former Subordinate •Cooper Barton •Lila Barton •NASA •Erik Selvig •Avengers •Steve Rogers/Captain America - Friend and Former Subordinate •Tony Stark/Iron Man † - Friend and Former Consultant •Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel - Friend •Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Former Subordinate, Temporary Enemy and Friend •Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow † - Former Subordinate and Friend •Bruce Banner/Hulk - Friend and Resurrector •Thor •James Rhodes/War Machine •Sam Wilson/Falcon •Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver † •Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch † •Vision † •Peter Parker/Spider-Man •Sharon Carter - Former Subordinate •Georges Batroc † - Former Employee •S.H.I.E.L.D. (Second Incarnation) •Phil Coulson † - Recruit, Trainee, Friend and Successor •Melinda May - Former Subordinate •Leo Fitz - Former Subordinate •Jemma Simmons - Former Subordinate •Skye - Former Subordinate •Antoine Triplett † - Former Subordinate •Robert Gonzales † - Former Subordinate •Bobbi Morse - Former Subordinate •Alphonso Mackenzie - Former Subordinate •Billy Koenig - Former Subordinate •Anne Weaver - Former Subordinate •Tomas Calderon - Former Subordinate •Oliver † - Former Subordinate •Mike Peterson/Deathlok - Temporary Enemy (under HYDRA coercion) •Helen Cho •Nick Fury's Crew - Former Subordinates •Maria Hill † - Trainee and Close Friend •Talos † - Former Enemy, Best Friend and Impersonator •Soren † •Cameron Klein •Dimitri Smerdyakov •Seamstress •Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier - Former Attempted Killer (while under HYDRA control) •Thaddeus Ross - Former Enemy •Happy Hogan •Ritson •S.A.B.E.R. •Monica Rambeau •FBI Skrull Agent •Dag •Talia •MI6 •Sonya Falsworth - Friend •Elizabeth Hill •British Army •Special Air Service •Rick Mason •J. Koskinen •Muneeba Khan •Yusuf Khan •Aamir Khan •Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel


    •Phil Coulson Skrull † - Victim •Skrull Spy •Ficke •Kree Empire •Starforce •Yon-Rogg •Minn-Erva † - Attempted Killer •Korath † •Att-Lass •Bron-Char •Accusers •Ronan the Accuser † •Dar-Benn † •Red Room •Dreykov † •Ten Rings •Ivan Vanko/Whiplash † •Justin Hammer •Loki † - Former Prisoner •Chitauri •Leviathans •HYDRA •Alexander Pierce † - Former Friend, Former Superior and Victim •Arnim Zola † •Jasper Sitwell † - Former Subordinate •Gideon Malick † •Centipede Project •John Garrett † - Former Subordinate and Trainee •Grant Ward † - Former Subordinate •Centipede Soldiers •Kara Palamas/Agent 33 † - Former Subordinate •Brock Rumlow † •Jack Rollins •Russo † - Former Subordinate •Bobbitt † - Former Subordinate •Wonsik † - Former Subordinate •Ultron † •Ultron Sentries •Thanos † - Killer •Skrull Resistance •Gravik † - Impersonator •Pagon † •Raava † - Victim •Vasily Poprishchin Skrull † - Victim •Bob Fairbanks Skrull † •United States Secret Service - Situational Enemies •Cannon •Johns •Zachary Fairbanks - Hostage

    •Although most of the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are based on their mainstream counterparts, this Nick Fury is modeled after his Ultimate version, who is himself modeled after Samuel L. Jackson. The mainstream version of Nick Fury is an Italian American veteran of World War II, who would later be replaced by his illegitimate son, Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr., a character virtually identical to the Ultimate Nick Fury, following the success of the movies.

    •Coincidentally, in the Ultimate comics, Fury said that if he could choose any actor to portray him on film, he would choose Samuel L. Jackson.

    •However, the MCU version shares several traits with his mainstream counterpart, such as being a colonel of the United States Army instead of a general, or retaining his blinded eye instead of having actually lost his left eye.

    •In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the epitaph on Nick Fury's grave says: "THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS MAN... Ezekiel 25:17". That is a reference to Samuel L. Jackson's other role as Jules Winnfield from the movie Pulp Fiction.

    •"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

    •Fury cannot eat toast if it is diagonally cut.

    • Editor-Chefe
    • 11 min
    • Nick Fury irá trabalhar com As Marvels (2025) O primeiro trailer de As Marvels, que chegará aos cinemas em novembro, revelou que Nick Fury terá um importante papel na próxima sequência de Capitã Marvel.
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  3. Nicholas "Nick" Joseph Fury foi um ex-coronel que serviu no Exército dos Estados Unidos e um veterano de espionagem da CIA durante a Guerra Fria. Fury continuou servindo ao mundo quando juntou-se a S.H.I.E.L.D., uma organização internacional secreta de manutenção da paz que opera como a primeira...

  4. Em Capitão América 2: O Soldado Invernal (2014), ao desconfiar de uma conspiração dentro da S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury sofre um atentado e acaba morto, mais tarde ele revela que havia forjado sua morte para escapar da HIDRA.

  5. › title › tt2713180Fury (2014) - IMDb

    Fury: Directed by David Ayer. With Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña. A grizzled tank commander makes tough decisions as he and his crew fight their way across Germany in April, 1945.