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  1. Originally set up as a five-year high school, it was changed to a four-year school in 1943 due to the start of World War II. After the war, Taiwan was handed to the Republic of China, whose high school system was a 3-3-year one. In 1959, ShinHua Campus was established for senior high school students in ShinHua Township, Tainan County.

  2. National Tainan First Senior High School (henceforth TNFSH) is a comprehensive three-year public high school accredited by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, Republic of China. The school opened in the fall of 1922 and graduated its first senior class in the fall of 1925.

  3. 臺南第一高級中學. 註冊組 置頂 [註冊組] 112學年度高一及高二學生選修意願調查 2024-05-09. 讀者服務組 置頂 2024韓國文化交流參訪實施計畫及甄選錄取名單 2024-05-09. 試務組 置頂 112學年度第二學期高三學期補考時間、說明及範圍 2024-05-06. 教學組 置頂 【高三專屬】113年6月高三上下學期科目重補修開課公告 2024-04-25. 教務處 轉知:112-2 臺大線上課程期末交流講座 2024-05-09. 教官室 「臺南市國中及高中職學生對於校園附近設置及使用Youbike2.0狀況」問卷調查 2024-05-09. 教學組 國教院愛學影展 2024-05-09. MORE. 賀! 恭喜本校周育丞同學榮獲2023旺宏科學獎銀牌獎.

  4. School Calendar. Curriculum. Enrichment Program of the Language-gifted Class. Bilingual Experimental Programme. Enrichment Program of the Math-and Science-gifted Class. The Customized Math and Science Curriculum of the Science Class. Grading and Ranking. Record of TNFSH Award Winners of International Olympiads. Awards and Distinctions, 2018-19 ...

  5. 9 de jan. de 2024 · Introduce. Completed in 1928, it is probably the most beautiful historical building in the National Tainan First Senior High School. The grand hall was designed and supervised by the Construction and Repair Section of the Government-General of Taiwan.

  6. 26 de mai. de 2013 · The National Tainan First Senior High School (NTFSH) Gymnasium project is located at the heart of the Tainan City where it is also situated at the center of Tainan Cultural and...

  7. 國立臺南第一高級中學 (英語: National Tainan First Senior High School ,TNFSH),位於 中華民國 臺南市 東區 成大里,是一所成立於 台灣日治時期 的 高級中等學校 ,簡稱為 國立臺南一中 、 臺南一中 、 南一中 [2] 、 一中 [註 1] 、 TNFSH ,舊稱為「南二中」、「省一中」,因日治時屬竹園町,以「竹園岡」自詡。 簡介 [ 編輯] 為一所主要招收男學生的普通高中(僅 科學班 招收女學生),校舍建於地勢較高之沙崙上,清領時期舊稱西竹圍、 日治 改屬 竹園町 ,故亦有「竹園岡」之別稱。 日治時期日人施行 市區改正 計畫,開闢勝利路將校園分為本部教學區和二部體技區;現中間以地下道連結,並與 國立成功大學 相鄰。