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  1. American folklore encompasses the folklore that has evolved in the present-day United States mostly since the European colonization of the Americas. It also contains folklore that dates back to the Pre-Columbian era.

  2. 1 de out. de 2021 · Learn about the meaning and origin of myths and legends, and discover nine fascinating stories from American history and culture. From the Spider Tower to the Queen of Death Valley, explore the folklore and supernatural elements of American mythology.

  3. American mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to America's most legendary stories and folktale, dating back to the late 1700s when the first colonists settled.

  4. Welcome to the American Folklore site, which features retold folktales from all 50 states. We answer those pesky folklore questions that keep you up at night, such as: “Why is a black cat bad luck?” and “Who the heck is Paul Bunyan?”

  5. Retellings of American folktales and legends, Native American myths, weather folklore, ghost stories and more from each of the 50 United States of America. Great for school children and teachers.

  6. A mitologia americana é um tesouro de lendas, contos e histórias que se passam desde os tempos mais antigos. Essa cultura milenar é cheia de mistérios e fascínio, pois cada região tem suas próprias crenças e mitos. Se você está curioso para saber mais sobre essa cultura, então veio ao lugar certo!

  7. The truth of much of American history has been blurred with local folklore to become hidden within the mists of time. The American push westward is replete with tales of characters, some of whom were real, and some of whom composites of several real characters.