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  1. Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren. The Protestant (Evangelische, Gr.) Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren ( Evangelische Seminare Maulbronn und Blaubeuren) in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, are two Gymnasien (high schools) and Protestant boarding schools in the Württemberg tradition. Until 2008, grades 9 and 10 ...

  2. A few years later in 1817 Blaubeuren became a Protestant seminary with an attached boarding school, which has remained to the present, except for a closure during World War II. The school now operates in co-operation with the similar establishment at Maulbronn Abbey: see Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren.

  3. Die Seminare Maulbronn und Blaubeuren sind die letzten von ursprünglich 13 Klosterschulen, die 1556 durch Herzog Christoph gegründet wurden. Sie führen die reiche Tradition der württembergischen Denkerschmieden fort und bieten eine einmalige Verbindung von Tradition und moderner, evangelischer Bildung.

  4. Half a century later, the former abbey was given over to a Protestant seminary, currently known as the Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren, which has occupied it ever since. The Protestant clerics adapted the monastic buildings for their own needs, e.g., they rebuilt the refectory."

  5. Die Evangelischen Seminare in Maulbronn und Blaubeuren sind öffentliche Gymnasien ab Klasse 9 mit Internat. Sie stehen in der langen Tradition der 1556 gegründeten Evangelischen Klosterschulen. Sie bieten ein breites, an christlichen Werten orientiertes Schul-, Bildungs- und Freizeitangebot und fördern die Entwicklung von Selbständigkeit ...

  6. While both schools share their commitment to classical (Latin, Greek and Hebrew) and modern languages, music and religious education, the Maulbronn seminary especially focuses on the European culture tradition, whereas Blaubeuren places special emphasis on internationalism and the interdisciplinary dialogue between theology and science.

  7. While both schools share their commitment to classical (Latin, Greek and Hebrew) and modern languages, music and religious education, the Maulbronn seminary especially focuses on the European culture tradition, whereas Blaubeuren places special emphasis on internationalism and the interdisciplinary dialogue between theology and science.