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  1. 14 de jul. de 2022 · The history of the AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow (AST) – former the Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Cracow (PWST) dates back to 1946. For more than seventy years the academy has been educating actors of various specializations, directors, and playwrights.

  2. AST National Academy of Theatre Arts (Polish: Akademia Sztuk Teatralnych w Krakowie, often shortened to AST), [1] is a drama school based in Kraków and Wrocław, Poland.

  3. 14 de jul. de 2022 · AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow has five faculties, where there are 450 students, taught by 140 academic teachers. The Academy’s lecturers include those who are outstanding, artistically active creators of the Polish theatre.

  4. Kraków Premiera spektaklu „Wyrwa” w reż. studentki WRD | 20.09.2024 | Teatr Łaźnia Nowa. Bytom Studenci WTT w wideoartach Lecha Majewskiego. Bytom IV Wieczór Metamorficzny - Ogólnopolskie Spotkania Teatralne | 24.08.2024.

    • AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków1
    • AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków2
    • AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków3
    • AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków4
    • AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków5
  5. 23 de jun. de 2021 · Performances staged at the AST theatre include presentations based on well-known literary texts, as well as original works, musical shows, puppet performances, and dance shows. These plays are usually performed to full audiences and are also invited to professional theatre festivals.

  6. Wirtualna Czytelnia Teatralna WIRTUALNA SKENE | Zintegrowany Program Operacyjny Rozwoju Regionalnego. Rowerem do pracy – czyli dom, rower, praca… i tak w kółko | Kampania Wydziału Gospodarki Komunalnej UMK.

  7. Obecnie AST kształci studentów w ramach jednolitych stacjonarnych studiów magisterskich, które na kierunkach aktorstwo i aktorstwo teatru lalek trwają 9 semestrów, a na kierunku reżyseria 10 semestrów.