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  1. 浙江艺术职业学院官网. . 浙江艺术职业学院第六届教职工代表暨工会会员代表大会胜利召开. 6月22日,浙江艺术职业学院第六届教职工代表暨工会会员代表大会(以下简称“双代会”)在图信中心… 我校原创舞蹈《脚划船》荣获全国大学生艺术展演一等奖和优秀创作奖. 近日,由教育部主办的全国第七届大学生艺术展演活动在湖北襄阳举行。 我校舞蹈学院原创作品《脚划船… 我校“江南女乐”亮相新闻联播,江南风光与民乐的交织简直太浪漫! 5月21日晚,中央电视台新闻联播报道2024年全国文化馆服务宣传周启动的消息,浙江艺术职业学院“江… 我校学子获首届全国大学生职业规划大赛银奖. 5月10日至11日,首届全国大学生职业规划大赛学生成长、就业赛道总决赛在上海开赛。 经过激烈角逐,…

  2. The China Academy of Art (CAA; 中国美术学院) is a provincial public college of fine arts in Hangzhou. Zhejiang, China. It is affiliated with the Province of Zhejiang. The academy is part of the Double First-Class Construction.

  3. GLOBAL TIMES: Exhibition on design intelligence highlights Chinese wisdom. Jul, 2024. Gold Award-winning Works: Tong Zhicheng from the School of Chinese Painting. Jun, 2024. Gao Shiming:...

  4. China Academy of Art (CAA) is the first national comprehensive institution of higher art education in modern China, and is recognized as the country's First-Class Discipline Construction University. Jointly established by Zhejiang Provincial Government, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, CAA is on the first list ...

  5. 7 de ago. de 2018 · Zhejiang Art Academy, a result of the merger of Zhejiang Art School and Zhejiang Film School on December 6, 1999, is the only professional and comprehensive art college in East China's Zhejiang Province.

  6. 浙江艺术学校Zhejiang Art School学校创办于1955年4月是一所以表演类专业为核心的综合性艺术专科学校学校于2000年升格为浙江艺术职业学院建校近50年为社会培养了8000多名艺术人才有近900人次分别在省级以上各类文艺比赛或会演中获奖

  7. › study › schoolsdepartmentsSchool of Painting

    The Schools formal specializations of Oil Painting, Printmaking, Mural Painting and Integrated Painting, explore emerging perspectives in the global art world that provide students with the...