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  1. The Naval Academy Mürwik (German: Marineschule Mürwik) is the main training establishment for all German Navy officers and in 1910 replaced the German Imperial Naval Academy in Kiel (which is now the seat of government or ''Landeshaus'' of Schleswig-Holstein)

  2. The Naval Academy (NAVAC) in Mürwik is the ‘alma mater' of all officers and officer candidates of the German Navy. Located on the Flensburg Fjord, the officer candidate school has been training the prospective leaders of the German naval forces, with some interruptions, since 1910.

  3. Die Marineschule Mürwik (MSM) ist die „ Alma Mater“ der Offiziere und Offizieranwärter der Deutschen Marine. Die Offizierschule liegt an der Flensburger Förde, seit 1910 lernt hier, mit Unterbrechungen, der Führungsnachwuchs deutscher Seestreitkräfte sein Handwerk.

  4. The Naval Academy, located in the district of Mürwik in Flensburg, was built in the northern-German brick-Gothic style. Since 1910, it has been the main training facility for the officers in the German Navy.

  5. Die Marineschule Mürwik (MSM) in Flensburg-Mürwik ist die Offizierschule der Deutschen Marine. An ihr werden seit 1910 deutsche Marineoffiziere ausgebildet. Die Offiziere der Marine erhalten an der MSM ihre allgemeine militärische Ausbildung.

  6. The Naval Academy Mürwik (German language: Marineschule Mürwik) is the main training establishment for all German Navy officers and in 1910 replaced the German Imperial Naval Academy in Kiel...

  7. The Naval Academy Marwik (German: Marineschule Marwik) is the main training establishment for all German Navy officers and replaced the German Imperial Naval Academy in Kiel.