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  1. Mutenodjmete (Mutnodjmet), Mutenodjmete (Mutnedjmet) ou Mutebenret (Mutbenret) foi uma mulher egípcia que viveu durante a XVIII dinastia, sendo possivelmente a filha do vizir Aí e sua esposa. Mutenodjmete foi a consorte de Nactemim, mãe de Nefertari e irmã de Nefertiti, além de tia de Meritaton e Anquesenamon.

  2. › wiki › MutnedjmetMutnedjmet - Wikipedia

    Mutnedjmet, also spelled Mutnodjmet, Mutnedjemet, etc. (Ancient Egyptian: mw.t-nḏm.t), was an ancient Egyptian queen, the Great Royal Wife of Horemheb, the last ruler of the 18th Dynasty. The name, Mutnedjmet, translates as: "The sweet Mut " or "Mut is sweet."

  3. Great Hereditary Princess and Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt. Name variations: Eji; Metnedjenet, Mutnedjme, or Mutnodjmet. Born around 1360 bce; possibly died in childbirth in 1326 bce; parents unknown; sister of Nefertiti; married Haremheb (a general).

  4. I am Lady Mutnodjmet, thought to be the daughter of Ay and his wife, Tey making me a younger half-sister to the famous Nefertiti. Although my name has a Theban ring to it (Mutnodjmet means 'The Goddesss Mut is the Sweet One', 'Sweet Mother' or 'Sweet One of Mut', and Mut is the divine consort of the very Theban God, Amun) I am represented at ...

  5. Mutnedjmet was an ancient Egyptian queen of the 21st Dynasty. She was the Great Royal Wife of her brother, Psusennes I. It is generally assumed that she was the mother of Pharaoh Amenemope but, since genealogical evidence is lacking, this is primarily based on the fact that he succeeded to the throne. [2] That she was the mother of ...

  6. › wiki › MutbenretMutbenret - Wikipedia

    Mutbenret/Mutnodjmet appears in a number of scenes at Amarna as a member of the royal court of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. According to some scholars, Mutbenret/Mutnodjmet was the same person as Mutnodjmet, the wife of Horemheb, the last ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

  7. 27 de fev. de 2016 · Ancient Origins articles related to Mutnodjmet in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and