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  1. Meritaten Tasherit, which means Meritaten the Younger was an ancient Egyptian princess of the 18th Dynasty. She is likely to have been the daughter of Meritaten , eldest daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten .

  2. › wiki › MeritatenMeritaten - Wikipedia

    Ancient Egyptian religion and Atenism. Meritaten, also spelled Merytaten, Meritaton or Meryetaten (Ancient Egyptian: mrii.t-itn) [1] (14th century BC), was an ancient Egyptian royal woman of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.

  3. 4 de jul. de 2020 · Meritaten, Princesa da Amarna - Wikimedia Commons. Filha de Nefetiti com Akhenaton, a princesa do Nilo, Meritaton, foi uma figura relevante da família real da Oitava Dinastia, mas pouco lembrada, à luz de seu famoso irmão, Tutancâmon.

  4. 2 de ago. de 2021 · Meritaten, which means “The beloved of Aten”, was an Egyptian princess of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. She was the first-born of King Amenhotep IV (who a few years later would change his name to Akhenaten) and the Great Royal Wife, Nefertiti.

  5. Ankhesenpaaten Tasherit (or Ankhesenpaaten-ta-sherit, “Ankhesenpaaten the Younger”) was an ancient Egyptian princess of the 18th Dynasty. Ankhesenpaaten Tasherit and another princess, Meritaten Tasherit are two princesses who appear in scenes dating to the later part of the reign of Akhenaten.

  6. Também identificada pelos nomes Meritaten, Merytaten ou Meryaten, viveu durante a 18ª dinastia faraônica. Foi a primeira das seis filhas de Nefertiti e do faraó Akhenaton. Seu nome é uma homenagem à divindade única cujo culto foi criado no reinado paterno, e significa “aquela que é amada de Aton”.

  7. Meritaten-Tasherit (ancient Egyptian: ỉtn-mry.t tꜣšrt, "Meritaten, the Younger") was a Princess of the 18th Dynasty during the New Kingdom. Meritaten-Tasherit and another princess, Ankhesenpaaten-Tasherit are two small princesses who appear in scenes dating to the later part of the reign of...