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  1. The programme is designed to provide advanced training in physics and related fields of mathematics, information technology, chemistry and biology (depending on the block of disciplines chosen). The academic programme is primarily aimed at graduates of the following bachelor’s programmes: ‘Physics’; ‘Applied Mathematics and Physics ...

  2. Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes. ... Faculty of Physics. Dean. Mikhail Kovalchuk. ... 7/9 University emb., St Petersburg, 199034. Telephone +7 ...

  3. 3 de mar. de 2002 · The programme provides in-depth training in physics, mathematics and information technology. Graduates of the programme are ready to conduct fundamental research in the physico-mathematical and related fields.

    • St.Petersburg Mathematical School: Inheritance of Scientific Traditions.
    • On The Department of Mathematics
    • The Department of Applied Mathematics
    • The Department of Computer Science
    • The Department of Mechanics
    • The Departament of Astronomy

    The school in question was created by the genial mathematicianP.L. Chebyshev (1821-1894) who was the father of many new directions intheoretic and applied mathematics. His works on the theory of numbers werethe beginning of investigations continued by his progenies being also theprofessors of the university academicians E.I.Zolotarev, A.A. Markov, ...

    From the courses of modern mathematics You will have knownthat the geometrical figures, algebraic equations, and functions are thesimplest variants of mathematical objects such that the necessity of theirstudy is demanded by the complexity of world around us. You shall studythe multidimensional spaces and even spaces having infinity of dimensionswh...

    The Department of computational mathematics, the oldestone in the department, was created in 1951, in the time of appearanceof first native computers, in the connection with the vital necessity oftraining specialists in the domain of computational mathematics and programming.The founders of the department were academicians L.V. Kantorovich and V.I....

    In 1970 the learning of programming was organized forall specialties of the day department. The assimilation of the first nativecomputers, though being imperfect technically, gave the possibility tothe faculty to be on the first line of computerization. 1973, the yearof obtaining of the first computer ES-1030, was the beginning of era ofgeneral com...

    Firstly, from the time of its creation the mechanics wasa branch of the applied mathematics. It is sufficient to recall the namesof Archimed, Newton, Euler in order to say that mathematics and mechanicswere developing in the tight connection of one with another. In many casesthe development of mathematics gave possibilities to solve problems ofmech...

    More than hundred years ago in the university a smallastronomic observatory was open. Now it is reorganized into AstronomicalInstitute having in his staff 10 doctors and more than 30 candidates ofsciences performing successfully as observations so as theoretic works.Now there is a blusterous development of astronomy, whichbrings almost every day ne...

  4. Mathematics & Mechanics Faculty has 23 Departments with the following main scientific orientation and 1 Inter-Faculty Department (General Mathematics & Informatics): Mathematical Analysis - functional analysis, constructive theory of function, linear and complex analysis;

  5. A new doctoral program “Advanced Mathematics” is opening at St. Petersburg State University in 2021. The duration of the program is 4 years, after finishing it the student can apply for a PhD in mathematics thesis defense. It is aimed at English-speaking students interested in mathematics and theoretical computer science, and is carried out ...

  6. The new suburban campus consists of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, and Faculty of Physics, which are in modern buildings in Peterhof.