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  1. Birgir Þórarinsson. Kjördæmi: Suðurkjördæmi. Þingflokkur: Sjálfstæðisflokkur. 898-6760. Nefndasetur: Atvinnuvega­nefnd - 2. varaformaður. Utanríkismála­nefnd. Íslandsdeild Evrópu­ráðs­þingsins. Íslandsdeild þings Öryggis- og samvinnu­stofnunar Evrópu - formaður. Hagsmunaskrá. Laun og kostnaðargreiðslur. Frumvörp. Tillögur.

  2. Russia has stolen the hopes and dreams of thousands of Ukrainian children, boys, and girls, and some of them just babies. They have taken them from their families, taken them from their homes, and stolen their identities. From the start of the invasion, the Russian authorities steadfastly removed children from Ukraine, aiming to turn them ...

  3. Birgir Þórarinsson. Date of Birth: June 23rd, 1965. Party: Independence Party. +354 5630 500. Parliamentary career. Member of Althingi for the South Constituency since 2017 (Centre Party, Independence Party). Present committees. Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee since 2021.

  4. Birgir Þórarinsson (born 23 June 1965) is an Icelandic politician from the Independence Party. He was born in Keflavík and has represented South constituency in the Parliament of Iceland since 2017 .

  5. › wiki › GusGusGusGus - Wikipedia

    Birgir Þórarinsson (aka Biggi Veira or Biggo) Magnús Guðmundsson (aka Maggi Lego, Herb Legowitz, Hunk of a Man, Buckmaster De La Cruz, The Fox, Fuckmaster, or Herr Legowitz) Stephan Stephensen (aka President Bongo, Alfred More, or President Penis) Sigurður Kjartansson (aka Siggi Kinski) Stefán Árni Þorgeirsson

  6. 19 de jan. de 2016 · By Computer Music. published 19 January 2016. We talk to the chilled Icelandic collective's engineer. The current 2014 GusGus line-up: (left to right) Högni Egilsson, Birgir Þórarinsson and Daníel Ágúst Haraldsson. Does where you live affect the music you make?

  7. 13 de ago. de 2021 · Birg­ir Þór­ar­ins­son, þingmaður Miðflokks­ins. Sig­urður Bogi. Hann leitaði til er­lendra lista­manna um list­muni. Þannig er alt­ar­is­tafl­an máluð af úkraínska lista­mann­in­um Andrii Kovalen­ko. Hún sýn­ir meðal ann­ars nú­ver­andi ábú­end­ur og nokkra forfeður þeirra.