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  1. The Holocaust: Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe: 1941 1945 5,100,000: 7,000,000: The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.

  2. Als Völkermord in Ruanda werden umfangreiche Gewalttaten in Ruanda bezeichnet, die am 7. April 1994 begannen und bis Mitte Juli 1994 andauerten. Sie kosteten circa 800.000 bis 1.000.000 Menschen das Leben, die niedrigsten Schätzungen gehen von mindestens 500.000 Toten aus. In annähernd 100 Tagen töteten Angehörige der Hutu -Mehrheit etwa ...

  3. The mass murder of Jews and other groups of people by the German Nazis during World War II is known as nationalism. propaganda. anti-Semitism. the Holocaust. the Holocaust. See an expert-written answer!

  4. › Campo_de_extermínioCampo de extermínio

    Campo de extermínio em alemão Vernichtungslager foram projetados e construídos pela Alemanha nazista durante a Segunda G

  5. Search. The News And Times Review -

  6. On 7 October 2023 as part of the Hamas led attack on Israel at the beginning of the Israel Hamas war Hamas and other Pal