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  1. The TinyPNG compressor is a user-friendly tool designed for effortlessly minimizing the file size of your WebP, PNG, and JPG images. Simply drag and drop your pictures onto the web interface, and let our intelligent algorithm compress them for optimal results.

  2. TinyPNG使用智能有损压缩技术将您的WebP, PNG and JPEG图片的文件大小降低。 通过选择性的减少图片中的颜色,只需要很少的字节数就能保存数据。 对视觉的影响几乎不可见,但是在文件大小上有非常大的差别。

  3. TinyJPG reduces the file size of your JPEG images. Every uploaded image is analyzed to apply the best possible JPEG encoding. Based on the content of your image an optimal strategy is chosen. The result is a quality image without wasting storage or bandwidth!

  4. The drag-and-drop web tool allows you to effortlessly optimize your images for your website. Whether it's converting images into the popular WebP format or efficiently compressing a large batch to reduce file sizes, you can achieve it all seamlessly. Optimize your images now.

  5. Automate your WebP, JPEG and PNG compression workflow. Hook up your server to optimize all your WebP, JPEG and PNG images on the fly. Join over 50.000 companies and developers around the world who are using the API. Enter your name and email address below to retrieve your key and get started.

  6. 基于TinyPNG Api压缩软件,可安装直接运行,无需依赖任何第三方包及库。 日常开发经常会用到 图片批量压缩,TinyPNG平均压缩率能达到60%,肉眼能观察到的画质损失微乎其微,对页面加载提速及体验、节省用户流量、缩小程序包有很大帮助。

  7. TinyPNG 的原理是将 PNG24 位真彩色图片压缩成 PNG8 位索引图片,从而做到基本不损失画质和观感。 至于具体算法怎么实现的也没有深入研究守,有兴趣的可以自行查阅相关资料。

  8. TinyPNG 是一款深受 前端工程师 喜爱的图片压缩工具,打开 http:// ,将图批量拖拽至指定区域,图片即开始压缩。 官方给出的数据显示,PNG 文件最高能减小70%的体积。

  9. Compress JPG and PNG images in your store with TinyPNG, reduce your store's page size, make your store load much faster and save a lot of disk space. You can setup CRON Job to automatically compress your images.

  10. The drag-and-drop web tool allows you to effortlessly optimize your images for your website. Whether it's converting images into the popular WebP format or efficiently compressing a large batch to reduce file sizes, you can achieve it all seamlessly. Optimize your images now.

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