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  1. Há 23 horas · Oribe Peralta, Christian Benítez y Darwín Quintero son nombres que han dejado una huella imborrable en la historia reciente del América. Su impacto en el campo ha sido fundamental para los éxitos del equipo en varias competiciones.

  2. Há 23 horas · In the following calendar for the 2011 Pan American Games, each blue box represents an event competition, such as a qualification round, on that day. The yellow boxes represent days during which medal-awarding finals for a sport are held. The number in each box represents the number of finals that will be contested on that day.

  3. Há 23 horas · Svetovno prvenstvo v nogometu 2014, ki se uradno imenuje FIFA World Cup 2014 je bilo 20. svetovno prvenstvo v nogometu, ki ga je gostila Brazilija med 9. junijem in 9. julijem 2014. Brazilija je prvenstvo gostila drugič (prvo je bilo leta 1950) in skupno je to bilo petič, da se je prvenstvo odvijalo v Južni Ameriki.