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  1. Há 6 horas · Project Oscar, announced during Google I/O Bangalore, is an open-source platform that can help software product teams monitor issues or bugs. Right now, Oscar is geared toward open-source projects ...

  2. Há 11 horas · As VentureBeat points out, it could, if ever emerges in public, allow even non-technical users to query and manipulate spreadsheet data using natural language prompts. An adjunct professor at UCLA reacting on Twitter/X suggested there are "billions of dollars of value here as much of the financial and accounting worlds still run on spreadsheet and manual efforts."

  3. Há 6 horas · Kolawole Samuel Adebayo is a multi-award winning tech reporter and content consultant who’s been covering technology for about a decade, with focus on cybersecurity, AI, enterprise network, and big data. Sam has covered hundreds of tech news and feature stories for major publications like Fast Company, VentureBeat, Dark Reading, and others ...

  4. Há 6 horas · Vectara, a pioneer in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, is raising a $25 million Series A funding round, bringing its total funding to $53.5 million. The company has announced its new Mockingbird large language model (LLM), which is specifically designed for RAG and aims to provide more accurate and factual results. Vectara's ...

  5. Há 6 horas · 벤처비트(VentureBeat)의 CEO인 맷 마샬(Matt Marshall)과 인튜이트(Intuit)의 AI 부문 부사장인 눙호(Nhung Ho)가 VB 트랜스폼 2024(VB Transform 2024)에서 인튜이트의 혁신 여정에서 얻은 인사이트에 대해 논의합니다. 사진 제공: Christopher C. Lee/Photomochi Studio인튜이트(Intuit)의 생성형 AI 전략은 소비자와 중소기업이 모든 ...

  6. Há 1 dia · Credit: VentureBeat made with Midjourney v6 Any questions about what OpenAI and Tesla alum Andrej Karpathy might be cooking up next have been put to rest: The prominent AI researcher and computer scientist took to his account on X today to announce his new venture, Eureka Labs , which he described as a new kind of AI-native school.

  7. Há 6 horas · VentureBeatが同社のウェブサイトでツールにアクセスしようとしたところ、画像モデルは利用できず、8秒の生成とアップスケーラーは月額24ドルのProプランに加入しているユーザーのみが利用可能でした。