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  1. Há 16 horas · Gustavo García de Paredes , 85, Panamanian educator and politician, rector of the University of Panama (1997–2016), manager of the Colón Free Trade Zone (1981–1982). [463] Paul Goldsmith, 98, American racing driver. [464] Rebecca Horn, 80, German visual artist and film director (Buster's Bedroom). [465]

  2. Há 16 horas · Pubblicato il 27/09/2024 alle 10:15. Lenovo arriva all' Università di Pisa con il suo Neptune, il supercomputer universitario più grande d'Italia che porta a 104 i rack presenti sul sito. L ...

  3. Há 16 horas · Italian is a Romance language, a descendant of Vulgar Latin (colloquial spoken Latin). Standard Italian is based on Tuscan, especially its Florentine dialect, and is, therefore, an Italo-Dalmatian language, a classification that includes most other central and southern Italian languages and the extinct Dalmatian.

  4. Há 16 horas · With the fall of Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church was disestablished as the state church. The new Marxist government began nationalizing property (including land) owned by the church. Tewophilos was arrested in 1976 by the Marxist Derg military junta, and secretly executed in 1979.

  5. Há 16 horas · Technische Universitäten befinden sich mit der Kasachischen Nationalen Technischen Universität Almaty (KAZNPU) in Almaty, in Qaraghandy und in Öskemen. Im PISA-Ranking von 2015 erreichen kasachische Schüler Platz 42 von 72 Ländern in Mathematik, Platz 43 in Naturwissenschaften und Platz 51 beim Leseverständnis. [64]

  6. Há 16 horas · Australien (amtlicher deutscher Name; englisch Commonwealth of Australia, deutsch veraltet Australischer Bund) ist ein Staat auf der Südhalbkugel der Erde, der das Festland des australischen Kontinents, die ihr südlich vorgelagerte Insel Tasmanien, die subantarktische Macquarieinsel mit ihren Nebeninseln und als Außengebiete die pazifische Norfolkinsel, die Kokosinseln, die Weihnachtsinsel ...

  7. › wiki › FinniaFinnia - Vicipaedia

    Há 16 horas · Finnia ex plurimis annis princeps in toto orbe mundano propter sui systematis scholaris efficaciam est. Secundum percontationem PISA [76] de cognitionibus iuvenum 15 annos natorum (annis 2000 et 20003), Finnia reapse in mathematicā, in calliditate lectionis, in scientiis et in capacitate solvendorum problematum (ubi Finnia secundo loco collocatur) dominatur.