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  1. No LifePoints, você ganha recompensas e vales-presentes gratuitos de uma série de marcas famosas para todo tipo de estilo de vida. Poupar nas compras da semana, ganhar uma refeição de graça, usar as recompensas para pagar um passeio… são muitas as formas de aproveitar sua participação no LifePoints.

  2. Get rewards for every survey you complete and 10 free LifePoints when you join today! Discover what LifePoints has to offer below with our wide range of rewards from top e-commerce brands like PayPal, Apple and high street retailers including Macy's, and Starbucks.

  3. Taking paid surveys and earning gift cards is easy with LifePoints US. Earn rewards from top brands at home. Find out more and sign up today.

  4. LifePoints Survey Rewards. Get up to £5 for every survey you complete and 10 free LifePoints when you join today! Discover what LifePoints has to offer below with our wide range of rewards from top brands like Amazon and Paypal, to high street favourites including Marks & Spencer and ASDA.

  5. LifePoints são recompensas pela partilha das suas opiniões e pelo tempo despendido nos nossos inquéritos. Pode ganhar LifePoints através da participação em inquéritos e usá-los em troca de diversas recompensas, como vales do PayPal, vales-presente eletrónicos da Starbucks, Amazon e iTunes, entre outros.

  6. Com o aplicativo de recompensas do LifePoints, você pode começar a responder pesquisas remuneradas e ganhar vales-presentes de suas marcas favoritas e varejistas imediatamente. Ao participar de nossas pesquisas on-line remuneradas por dinheiro, você também pode ganhar saques pelo PayPal.

  7. Earn e-gift cards and PayPal cash on your daily commute, while relaxing on your couch or during ad breaks of your favourite show. Join the LifePoints community of millions around the world, earn great rewards for your opinions and help shape the future of your favourite brands and products!

  8. LifePoints are rewards for sharing your views, time and opinions whilst taking our surveys. You can collect LifePoints by completing surveys and spend them on a variety of rewards such as PayPal vouchers, e-gift certificates from Starbucks, Amazon and iTunes, to name a few.

  9. 15 de mai. de 2023 · When you've got enough points, you can redeem them for a reward of your choice. The minimum threshold on LifePoints is £5, but if you are interested in redeeming your points for a higher amount, just keep on taking surveys until you reach the desired redemption value.

  10. Rewards. I want to spend my LifePoints. Receiving my rewards. US Tax Requirements. Can't find the right answer?