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  1. Há 23 horas · @stangri: understanding that you are the author of the pbr package, I’d like to consult you (and others knowledgeable on the subject 😃) on the following. Being still a noob when it comes to OpenWrt, I recently flashed a x86/64 device with OpenWrt. I succeeded in having my system not only function as a router and wireless access point, but I also configured OpenVPN to the point where I was ...

  2. Há 23 horas · L'African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) est le registre Internet de la région pour l'Afrique et une partie de la région de l'océan Indien, responsable de la gestion des IPv4, IPv6 et les numéros AS.

  3. Há 23 horas · IPv4 در مقابل IPv6: کدام یک برای شما مناسب است؟، اینترنت به‌عنوان یکی از اصلی‌ترین ابزارهای ارتباطی و انتقال اطلاعات در دنیای امروز، از سیستم‌های آدرس‌دهی برای شناسایی و اتصال دستگاه‌ها به یکدیگر استفاده می‌کند.

  4. Há 23 horas · 我安装了个纯净版的openwrt , 软件包里自己安装了ServerChan,运行成功但是日志显示无法获取IP地址,所以微信推送一直不成功。我查了一下,IPv4和6都是有了,不知道为什 ...

  5. Há 23 horas · 经查,陈玉祥丧失理想信念,背弃初心使命,执纪违纪,执法犯法,罔顾中央八项规定精神,热衷于吃喝享乐,长期频繁接受宴请,违规接受旅游、健身等活动安排;无视组织原则,在干部选拔任用中为他人谋取利益并收受财物;违规收受礼品、礼金;违反工作要求,干预和插手司法及执纪执法活动 ...

  6. Há 23 horas · IPv4 프로토콜 분석 출발지 주소(Source Address)는이고, 도착지 주소(Destination Address)는인것을 확인 식별자 값이 0x2c2e(11310)으로 확인(1번부터 7번 패킷은 본래 하나의 데이터 덩어리가 단편화 된 것이므로 식별자는 동일함) 단편화된 다음 패킷이 존재한다는 의미의 MF(More fragments) 플래그가 ...

  7. Há 23 horas · IPv4 connectivity issues. system is Fedora 40 with all packages updated, system is not running a GUI, CLI only. IPv6 works fine utilizing SLAAC and I can stay connected for hours, I can move files around etc with no issues IPv4 works briefly then freezes, I connect via SSH (on the local network), I get connected and then maybe 30 seconds later ...

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