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  1. Há 4 horas · Dilma Rousseff addresses the Brazilian National Congress as president. Dilma Rousseff took office as President of Brazil on January 1, 2011. The inauguration event – which was organized by her transition team, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence and the Presidency of the Republic – was expected with anticipation, as she was the first woman to preside over the country.

  2. Há 4 horas · Veja grátis o arquivo Só Vírgula - Método fácil em vinte lições (Atualizado) -- Maria Tereza de Queiroz Piacentini -- 2022 -- EdUFSCar ...

  3. Há 4 horas · Veja grátis o arquivo gatilhos-mentais-1nbsped-9788582892114 compress enviado para a disciplina de Informática Categoria: Outro - 150803582.