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  1. Há 19 horas · The star of day, pale butnevertheless still splendid, was setting in the horizon,glorifying at once the heavens and the sea with bands of fire,and casting upon the towers and the old houses of the city a lastray of gold which made the windows sparkle like the reflection ofa conflagration.

  2. Há 19 horas · Nor neede any of you to wonder thereat, or howit can be otherwise, because hourely I feele a thousand dyingtorments, without enjoying any hope of ease or pleasure: but referringmy fortunes to their owne poore condition, it is my will, that MadamPampinea proceed next in the argument of successelesse love, accordingas Madam Fiammetta hath already begun, to let fall more dew-drops onthe fire of ...