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  1. The abovementioned doctrine was to some extent modified by Azzam’s follower, Osama bin Laden. In a fatwa, issued in 1998, he called on Muslims to kill Americans also outside dar al-islam . Such an approach signified that a new division of jihad was developed in the doctrine of war—into the so-called defensive jihad ( al-daf’ ) and offensive jihad ( al talab ).

  2. También se rumoreó que la supuesta muerte de Osama Bin Laden no fue real ya que no se encontró cuerpo alguno, que Bin Laden seguía ocupando un rango elevado en la guerra. En 2008 se anunció el ingreso de Colombia en la alianza, que envió tropas entrenadas en la desactivación de minas antipersonales bajo el mando del Ejército de España.

  3. Su negativa a entregar a Osama bin Laden tras los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001 llevó a la invasión de Afganistán por una coalición liderada por Estados Unidos, resultando en la caída del régimen talibán en diciembre de 2001.

  4. What if Osama Bin Laden's assassination attempt on Bill Clinton had succeeded? In 1996, Bill Clinton visited the Philippines for the APEC forum, only for his motorcade to change routes when it was expected to drive over a bridge. Secret Service had been warned of an attack and later discovered a bomb under the bridge, in a plot to kill Clinton ...

  5. In August 2011, The New Yorker reported that prior to the May 2011 U.S. Special Operations raid into Abbottabad, Pakistan that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials had considered an airstrike by one or more B-2s as an alternative; the use of a bunker busting bomb was rejected due to potential damage to nearby civilian buildings.

  6. Der Sudan unter dem ehemaligen Diktator Omar al-Bashir hatte Osama bin Laden Unterschlupf gewährt, als dieser das globale Terrornetzwerk von Al-Qaida aufbaute, und „Bashir und seinen ...

  7. Hobbling Our Allies. 2024-06-02 -. President Biden has made his view on responding to foreign attacks painfully clear: America will help its allies fight back fiercely — as long as they don’t cause their enemies too much damage. Wouldn’t want to risk escalating the situation, don’t you know. It’s a clear recipe for losing and has ...

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