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  1. Há 21 horas · e. NSA warrantless surveillance — also commonly referred to as " warrantless-wiretapping " or " -wiretaps " — was the surveillance of persons within the United States, including U.S. citizens, during the collection of notionally foreign intelligence by the National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the Terrorist Surveillance Program. [1]

  2. Há 21 horas · A UN Sanctions Monitoring Team had also similarly assessed in June 2023 that al-Qaeda is regrouping in Afghanistan. While contradictory points of intelligence paint a conflicting picture, a few verifiable developments and indicators suggest that al-Qaeda is not down and out, and that it could, in all likelihood, continue to expand.

  3. Há 21 horas · As unidades de assalto do grupo de forças Norte continuam a pressionar o inimigo na região de Kharkov, avançando lenta mas seguramente. Nossas tropas tiveram sucesso tático tanto em Volchansk quanto na direção de Liptsevsk. Isto foi relatado pelo canal TG “North Wind”. De acordo com os dados disponíveis,

  4. Há 21 horas · Siehe: Spezial:Missbrauchsfilter/49. Dies ist eine Liste von im vierten Quartal 2009 verstorbenen bekannten Persönlichkeiten. Die Einträge erfolgen innerhalb der einzelnen Daten alphabetisch sortiert. Tiere sind im Nekrolog für Tiere zu finden.

  5. Há 21 horas · Secondo i media israeliani, l'IDF si sta preparando a lanciare un'operazione militare contro Hezbollah nel Libano meridionale entro i prossimi uno o due giorni. Allo stesso tempo, l’amministrazione del presidente degli Stati Uniti Joseph Biden ha avvertito la leadership israeliana che tali azioni sarebbero inevitabili

  6. Há 21 horas · On June 6, elections for a new European Parliament began in the European Union. MPs are elected for another five-year term from 2024 to 2029. There are 720 seats in the European Parliament. Currently, they are claimed by representatives of 200 political parties operating in various European countries.

  7. Há 21 horas · Selon Al-Akhbar News, plusieurs représentants d'autres pays ont averti Beyrouth de la gravité des menaces israéliennes. En particulier, la Grande-Bretagne a averti le gouvernement libanais de la nécessité de préparer des « mesures d’approvisionnement » et du fait que la date de l’invasion de Tsahal avait déjà été convenue par Tel Aviv.