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  1. Há 6 horas · I walked past some beautiful buildings in the 7th on route to the metro, I was stunned to see this display… Not the best photo, it was a lovely sunny day Andy Warhol is famous for other series of works devoted to industrial grocery store products. Among his early experiments are the screen-prints of Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962) and Green Coca-Cola Bottles (1962), but also other sculptures ...

  2. Há 6 horas · Andy Warhol, il primo precursore delle tendenze molto prima che il termine “influencer” fosse utilizzato, e il suo impatto si riflette ancora oggi. La mostra monografica (60 opere) sull’ artista mondiale è stata presentata nell’ ex chiesa di Santo Stefano , a Mondovì (organizzata da Piemonte Musei insieme alle associazioni culturali Be Local, Insieme e Ordine dei Cavalieri delle ...

  3. Há 6 horas · The exhibition also includes works by 20th-century contemporary artists such as Francis Bacon, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and David Hockney. Picasso is prominently featured with four prints and one pastel painting from his later years. Additionally, African artists’ works, rarely seen, are on display, enriching the exhibition’s diversity.

  4. Há 6 horas · Sie waren Popstars, charismatische Netzwerker und (Selbst-) Vermarktungsgenies: Andy Warhol und Keith Haring gehören nicht nur zu den berühmtesten Künstler:innen der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie revolutionierten auch die etablierten Vorstellungen von Kunst und ihrer Verbreitung. Warhols poppige Bilder oder Harings tanzende Figuren sind Teil unseres kollektiven ...

  5. 2 de jul. de 2024 · Blad cirka 58 x 60 cm. Obs tryckt signatur. 3605201. ANDY WARHOL. Efter, offset, tryckt signatur, numrerad 350/2400.

  6. Há 6 horas · A New York -i performanszművész, aktivista és költő Shana Marie Roark jóval élénkebb jelenség az én prózaírómnál (őszintén szólva, egy kicsit talán sok is), Instant versek csak neked! Ám ettől még biztosan szívmelengető lehet, ha egy hosszú munkanap után odalépsz hozzá egy kereszteződésben, és arra kéred, írjon ...

  7. Há 6 horas · ¿Quién eres cuando la fiesta termina? ¿Cuando dejas de intentar impresionar a los demás, te atreves a ser vulnerable y a ser visto tal como eres realmente? After The Party revela un lado diferente de Andy Warhol.