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  1. Há 18 horas · Branwell Brontë, self-portrait, 1840. The Brontës (/ ˈbrɒntiz /) were a nineteenth-century literary family, born in the village of Thornton and later associated with the village of Haworth in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. The sisters, Charlotte (1816–1855), Emily (1818–1848) and Anne (1820–1849), are well-known poets and ...

  2. 27 de set. de 2024 · This chapter deals with the use of accent and dialect in literary adaptations and in dubbing. Firstly, it offers an overview of the studies related to their use in literature and it presents and analyses some relevant examples of novels written in the twentieth century. It also investigates the strategies used in their Italian translations.

  3. Há 18 horas · Major George Henry Willis MVO Royal Engineers, Mint Master, Bombay. In recognition of the meritorious services in connection with operations on the Indian Frontier (To date from 1 January 1918) —. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Gordon Blois-Johnson CMG. Colonel Arthur Blanshard Hawley Drew.

  4. Há 18 horas · 19 March 1746. An Act for the more easy and speedy Trial of such Persons as have levied, or shall levy, War against His Majesty; and for the better ascertaining the Qualifications of Jurors, in Trials for High Treason, or Misprision of Treason, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. Leicester Roads Act 1745.

  5. Há 18 horas · George Malcolm (1917–1997), Pianist, Cembalist, Dirigent und Komponist. Arthur Thomas Malkin (1803–1888), Pionier der Bergsteigerei und Schriftsteller. James Mallet (* 1955), Evolutionsbiologe und Entomologe. Mark Malloch Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown (* 1953), Politiker und stellvertretender Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen.

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