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  1. Há 9 horas · United States – According to US Deputy Defence Secretary Ashton Carter, there is a potential for co-operation with India to develop a Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) shield. "That is an important potential area for our future cooperation", Carter said while on his visit to India in July 2012.

  2. Há 9 horas · December 3, 2015, is significant. On that day, Obama Defense Secretary Ashton Carter summarily denied a formal request from then-Marine Commandant Gen. Joe Dunford asking that some direct ground combat MOSs, such as the infantry, remain all-male. Instead, Carter announced there would be no exceptions anywhere.

  3. Há 9 horas · Mohammed ben Salmane et le secrétaire à la Défense des États-Unis Ashton Carter se dirigeant vers le Pentagone (2016). Le 23 janvier 2015 , lors de l'accession de son père au trône , il est nommé ministre de la Défense et chef de la Cour royale [ 13 ] à 30 ans, ce qui en fait le plus jeune ministre de la Défense au monde [ 14 ] .

  4. Há 9 horas · Getting the ROT out of Your Writing. July 26, 2024. I finished a seminar at the day gig on document management, and the focus was removing ROT - Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial documents from your files. I would argue that you can do the same thing to improve your writing. Print out your manuscript, grab your editing pen, and read like a critic.

  5. Há 9 horas · The thing is, this was never going to be about anything but the love affair that has been hinted at and joked about ever since Deadpool got his first movie - and when I say Deadpool I mean the real one, not the cheap knock-off that Wade took care of at the end of Deadpool 2.

  6. Há 9 horas · 10. Ashton McPherson 12. Mitchell Grumley 14. Kade Dwyer 15. Kade Anderson 17. Ryder Corrigan 20. Jack Whitlock 22. Lenny Koller 23. Jensen Hargreaves 24. Matt Whitlock 28. Caden Ratcliffe 33. Cody Gardiner 36. Beau O’Neill 37. Liam Hetherton 39. Zach Graham 42. Ned Byrne 46. Max Mahoney 49. Indhi Kotzur 16. Jez Rigoni (emg) 26. Tom Forrest ...

  7. Há 9 horas · Летиша Райт, Данай Гурира и Уинстон Дьюк исполнили в фильме «Чёрная пантера» роли соответственно принцессы Шури, лидера Дора Миладже генерала Окойе и вождя Джабари М’Баку. Хёрт, Стэн, Маки ...