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  1. 26 de mar. de 2021 · Nikolai Vassilievitch Gogol nasceu em Velyki Sorotchintsi, no Império Russo, na região da atual Ucrânia, no dia 31 de março de 1809. Sua nacionalidade hoje é reivindicada tanto pela Rússia quanto pela Ucrânia. Filho de um pequeno proprietário de terras, com 12 anos foi estudar na província de Nizhin. Com 16 anos perdeu o pai.

  2. In studying the reception of Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) by the peasant world, we draw from two types of sources: some re-elaborated versions of Gogol’s works made by popular authors for a peasant audience in the 1880s; the transcriptions of the verbal reactions of groups of peasants during the reading of Gogol’s texts, recorded by village schoolmasters in that period.

  3. 15 de jun. de 2022 · Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was a Russian writer of Ukrainian origin. His short stories and plays have been noted for their surrealism, dark humor, and use of the grotesque. A key concept in his work is poshlost, a Russian word that means “triviality, inferiority, and banality.”. Poshlost is embodied by his caricatures of everyday people who ...

  4. Early Years and Education. Nikolai Gogol was born on March 20, 1809, in the small Ukrainian town of Sorochintsy [1†] [2†] [5†]. His family belonged to the ‘petty gentry’ and spoke both Russian and Ukrainian [1†] [2†] [6†]. From a very young age, Gogol developed a keen interest in Ukrainian-language plays and helped his uncle ...

  5. Nikolai Gogol established his reputation on his remarkable short stories, but he is often better known in the West for his play Revizor (pr., pb. 1836; The Inspector General, 1890) and for the ...

  6. 8 de jun. de 2018 · Gogol, Nikolai. Gogol, Nikolai (1809–52) Russian novelist and dramatist whose work marks the transition from Romanticism to early realism. Gogol made his reputation with stories, such as The Nose (1835), and the drama The Government Inspector (1836). He turned to religion and lived mostly in Rome from 1836–48.

  7. Follow Russia Beyond on Instagram. The hero of Nikolai Gogol's ‘Dead Souls’, landowner Stepan Alexandrovich Plyushkin, was a rare miser, wore a greasy, tattered robe and dragged everything he ...