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  1. SPICED gives an idea of HOW to make this happen and translates this to operational actions. A comparison MEDDIC vs. SPICED. We get asked all the time what is the main difference between MEDDIC vs. SPICED, they are two very different approaches. Comparison of SPICED and MEDDIC

  2. MEDDIC originates from perpetual software sales and focuses heavily on the decision stage of the sales process. SPICED is based on recurring revenue, so it focuses on achieving continual recurring impact. And yes, SPICED and MEDDIC can operate in the same world and work together. Let’s examine MEDDIC to see how this can occur…

  3. Winning by Design’s Revenue Academy was created with all this in mind to help companies organize and unify the sales process with our unique SPICED™ methodology. SPICED™ is a framework for understanding prospects and stands for Situation, Pain, Impact, Critical Event, and Decision.

  4. Recurring revenue companies that adopt The SPICED Framework not only witness an improvement in skills and alignment, but also experience results at scale, including significant lifts in win rate and in the speed of the sales cycle. What is SPICED? The SPICED framework is a foundational methodology purpose-built for recurring revenue organizations.

  5. Questions are fundamental to the selling process — they’re the only way to diagnose a prospect’s problem. When the right questions are applied in customer meetings, they become a powerful tool, especially when you act as an expert and properly structure the conversation.

  6. Winning by Design’s methodology — called SPICED — was created with SaaS-based companies in mind. It’s based on the fundamental principle that recurring revenue comes from recurring impact. It’s different from most other methodologies because it doesn’t end with closing the deal.

  7. Winning By Design — Discovery Call Framework The Perfect Discovery Call Step 1) Preparation. Do research on the person you’ll be speaking with. If your company has already had conversations with the person you’ll be meeting with, find out what the customer mentioned they care about.