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  1. In 2003 CRC Press became a member of the Taylor & Francis publishing group. No scientific publisher has a more illustrious history than Taylor & Francis. Established in 1783, Taylor & Francis launched the world leading physics and material science journal, the Philosophical Magazine, which was the first of the more than 1000 journals it now publishes covering nearly every facet of human endeavor.

  2. RoutledgeTaylor & Francis旗下全球领先的人文与社会科学出版品牌,每年出版数以千计的学术图书、电子书和期刊文章。 Routledge成立于1836年,出版了近百年来许多最伟大的思想家和学者的著作,包括阿多诺、爱因斯坦、罗素、波普尔、维特根斯坦、荣格、玻姆、哈耶克、麦克卢汉、马尔库塞和萨特等等。

  3. This growth, fueled by significant and strategic acquisition, led to a successful flotation of the Group on the London Stock Exchange in 1998. Shortly after the flotation, the Group more than doubled in size with the acquisition of the Routledge Group of companies. In 2004 Taylor & Francis merged with Informa, and in 2005 consolidated its imprints.

  4. About Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group publishes books for all levels of academic study and professional development, across a wide range of subjects and disciplines. We publish Social Science and Humanities books under the Routledge, Psychology Press and Focal Press imprints.

  5. 泰勒弗朗西斯集团(Taylor & Francis Group) 拥有长达两个世纪的丰富出版经验,过去二十年来,在此雄厚基础上迅速发展,已成为世界上最大的学术出版集团之一。于 2005年在中国成立了专业团队,为中国的作者、编辑、图书馆员、大学、学术团体和机构提供专业的出版服务和全球网络支持。

  6. 30 de out. de 2017 · This thoroughly updated and extended eighth edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods employed by educational research at all stages. Its five main parts cover: the context of educational research; research design; methodologies for educational research; methods of data collection ...

  7. 泰勒弗朗西斯(Taylor & Francis, 简称:T&F)是一家具有200余年历史的全球学术出版商,是伦敦股票交易市场排名前100( FTSE100 )的英富曼集团( Informa Group )下属学术出版事业部。. Taylor & Francis 拥有长达两个世纪的丰富出版经验,在英国、欧洲、美国、澳大利亚 ...