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  1. Samuel Liddell „MacGregor“ Mathers, geboren als Samuel Liddell Mathers (* 8. Januar 1854 in London ; † 19. November 1918 in Paris ) war ein englischer Okkultist , Freimaurer , Rosenkreuzer und Kabbalist sowie Mitbegründer des Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn .

  2. Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (1854–1918) was an English occultist, author, and founding chief of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Throughout his life, S. L. MacGregor Mathers was a compelling, charismatic, colorful, controversial, and headstrong figure in occultism. He is responsible for the creation of much of the Golden Dawn ...

  3. Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, (ur. 8 lub 11 stycznia 1854, zm. 5 lub 20 listopada 1918 w Paryżu) – angielski okultysta, mag, jedna z najbardziej wpływowych postaci nowożytnego okultyzmu. Najbardziej znany jest jako założyciel Hermetycznego Zakonu Złotego Brzasku .

  4. Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers was a British magician and one of the three founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, also known as the Golden Dawn or Golden cabal, which was once the largest magic cabal in the United Kingdom and a world-renowned cabal. Mathers was also the person who recruited Aleister Crowley into the Golden Dawn ...

  5. Samuel Liddel “MacGregorMathers viveu ainda o bastante para ver o começo e o fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Ao que tudo indica faleceu aos 64 anos provavelmente devido a complicações de saúde durante uma epidemia de gripe em novembro de 1918. Uma pena para os poucos que acreditavam em suas histórias de imortalidade.

  6. The MacGregor Mathers Society was founded in Britain as a dining club for men only, membership by invitation. The society can be contacted at BM#Spirotos (M.M.S.), London W.C.1, England. Mathers's most lasting contributions to the magical revival of the twentieth century were his many translations of key magical texts, which he rescued from the obscurity into which they had fallen.