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  1. Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher in the school of pragmatism, known for his contributions to the philosophy of history, the philosophy of education, political theory, and ethics. After embracing communism in his youth, Hook was later known for his criticisms of totalitarianism, both fascism and ...

  2. Compre O Herói na História, de Sidney Hook, no maior acervo de livros do Brasil. As mais variadas edições, novas, semi-novas e usadas pelo melhor preço.

  3. › wiki › Sidney_HookSidney Hook - Wikipedia

    Sidney Hook (Brooklyn, 20 dicembre 1902 – Stanford, 12 luglio 1989) è stato un filosofo statunitense. Fu un pragmatista e la sua vita di intellettuale fu caratterizzata da un costante impegno politico .

  4. Sidney Hook, the son of Isaac and Jennie Hook, was born in Brooklyn on 20th December, 1902. His parents were Austrian Jewish immigrants and they lived in Williamsburg: "The Williamsburg area of Brooklyn, before World War I, was a slum of checkered ethnic pattern - Irish, Italian, German, Jewish, with a scattering of East and Southeastern ...

  5. 悉尼·胡克(Sidney Hook),美国著名的实用主义哲学家,杜威的得意门生和得力助手。1902年出生在美国纽约,1927年获哥伦比亚大学哲学博士,1939年任纽约大学教授,1948-1969年任纽约大学哲学系主任,1969年退休后住该校荣誉教授。他一生著作有几十部,多种涉及马克思主义。

  6. Towards an Understanding of Sidney Hook — Christopher Phelps. AS HIS CONFLICTS with the dominant forces within the Communist movement mounted, Sidney Hook put the finishing touches on Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx: A Revolutionary Interpretation (1933), a masterful examination that even today remains one of the most compelling guides to Marx’s thought.

  7. Sidney Hook, né le 20 décembre 1902 à New York et mort le 12 juillet 1989 à Stanford, est un philosophe américain de l’école pragmatique. Après avoir embrassé le communisme dans sa jeunesse, Hook se mit à critiquer les différents totalitarismes, que ce soit le fascisme et le marxisme-léninisme.