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  1. 10 de dez. de 2018 · Shoucheng Zhang, a theoretical physicist whose research pushed the frontiers of understanding exotic states of matter, has died at 55. His family released a statement saying that he had passed away “after fighting a battle with depression.”. News outlets have reported that the family confirmed Zhang died from suicide.

  2. Interactive Session with Prof Zhang Shoucheng. 第一次听说张首晟,是2013年。当时我还是懵懂的材料本科生。我收到张首晟来NTU作报告的邮件。搜了一下,看到Google Scholar引用两万多!这个人真牛逼!但是看一下他研究的东西:拓扑绝缘体?量子自旋霍尔效应?

  3. This book honors the remarkable science and life of Shoucheng Zhang, a condensed matter theorist known for his work on topological insulators, the quantum Hall effect, spintronics, superconductivity, and other fields. It contains the contributions displayed at the Shoucheng Zhang Memorial Workshop held on May 2–4, 2019 at Stanford University.

  4. 张首晟(1963年2月-2018年12月1日),原籍江苏省高邮市,美国华裔物理学家,中国科学院外籍院士,斯坦福大学终身教授,丹华资本董事长。1978年张首晟考入复旦大学物理系;1980年赴柏林自由大学就读硕士;1983年进入纽约州立大学石溪分校攻读博士,师从杨振宁教授;1993年被斯坦福大学聘为物理系 ...

  5. He was Shoucheng Zhang’s adviser on condensed matter for the final year of his PhD, and collaborated with him on many projects thereafter. e-mail: Shoucheng Zhang

  6. Shoucheng Zhang. Shoucheng Zhang ( chinesisch 张首晟, Pinyin Zhāng Shǒuchéng, auch: Shou-Cheng Zhang; * 15. Februar 1963 in Shanghai, Volksrepublik China; † 1. Dezember 2018 [1]) war ein US-amerikanischer theoretischer Festkörperphysiker chinesischer Herkunft. Seine Familie stammte aus der Stadt Gaoyou in der chinesischen Provinz Jiangsu.

  7. 1963年,張首晟出生於 上海 ,祖籍 江蘇 高郵 。. 1978年,年僅15歲的張首晟越級錄取 復旦大學 物理二系(該系實為原子能系,為對外保密而名為「物理二系」)。. 1980年,他前往德國 柏林自由大學 留學攻讀理論物理,1983年獲碩士學位。. 他赴美國 紐約州立大學 ...