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  1. Gerhart Riegner était un avocat allemand exilé en Suisse. Il était représentant du Congrès juif mondial dans ce pays. Au début du mois d'août 1942, quelques jours avant l'envoi de ce télégramme, Riegner avait été averti de la Solution finale nazie à l'encontre des Juifs par Benjamin Sagalowitz , l'attaché de presse de la communauté juive suisse, lors d'une longue promenade [ 1 ] .

  2. 5 de dez. de 2001 · Gerhart Moritz Riegner was born in Berlin on Sept. 12, 1911. His first experience of anti-Semitism, he said, came at 5, when another schoolboy called him a ''dirty little Jew.''

  3. 27 de jun. de 2024 · C d ee ba c cbee c a d c. Seventy years ago, on 8 August 1942, the World Jewish Congress representative in Geneva, Gerhart M. Riegner, attempted to send a telegram to Rabbi Stephen Wise, president of the World Jewish Congress and a personal friend of President Franklin Roosevelt, providing him with reliable information that he had received from ...

  4. Gerhart M. Riegner was born in 1911 in Berlin into a highly acculturated German-Jewish family. In his autobiography, first published in French in 1998, Never Despair: Sixty Years in the Service of the Jewish People and the Cause of Human Rights, he described his family’s strong German cultural and civic identity.

  5. Gerhart Moritz Riegner (Berlín, 12 de septiembre de 1911 - Ginebra, 3 de diciembre de 2001) fue el secretario general del Congreso Judío Mundial de 1965 a 1983. El 8 de agosto de 1942, envió el famoso Telegrama Riegner a través de canales diplomáticos a Stephen Samuel Wise , presidente del Congreso Judío Mundial (sin embargo, Wise no lo recibió hasta finales de mes). [ 1 ]

  6. Gerhart Riegner (Berlijn, 12 september 1911 - Genève, 3 december 2001) was een Duits godsdienstfilosoof en Joods verzetsstrijder vanuit Zwitserland. Levensloop. Riegner studeerde rechten in Berlijn, Freiburg en Heidelberg. Vanwege de toenemende Jodenhaat in Duitsland maakte hij zijn studie af in Sorbonne.

  7. Gerhart Riegner (1911–2001) was one of the first persons to make Allied leaders aware of the Nazis’ plan to murder all the Jews in Europe. He did so with telegrams sent to the governments of Britain and the United States in 1942. Gerhart Riegner, place and date unknown. Riegner was a lawyer in Germany. He fled the country when the Nazis ...