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  1. 28 de mai. de 2021 · William Shakespeare nasceu em Stratford-upon-Avon, no condado de Warwick, Inglaterra, no dia 23 de abril de 1564. Filho de John Shakespeare e de Mary Arden, seu pai foi comerciante de lã e chegou a tesoureiro e prefeito de Stratford. Infância e juventude

  2. Summary. When Nicholas Rowe published the first biographical notice of Shakespeare in 1709, the poet's mother did not figure in his account. Drawing on Thomas Betterton's investigations in Stratford parish documents and local traditions, Rowe says simply that William was the son of John Shakespeare who had ‘bred him’.

  3. 5 de set. de 2019 · Brother: Gilbert Shakespeare (born in 1566) Sister: Joan Shakespeare (born in 1569) Sister: Anne Shakespeare (born in 1571) Brother: Richard Shakespeare (born in 1574) Brother: Edmund Shakespeare (born in 1580) John and Mary had a total of eight children, but infant mortality was common in Elizabethan England, and the first two children passed ...

  4. An ongoing examination of the literary world of Early Modern England. Companion site to my forthcoming book which tells the story of Shakespeare and Mary Sidney Herbert the extraordinary woman who appears at every turn in the search for the author. Click to read Spearshaker: Ben Jonson, Mary Sidney, and Shakespeare, by David W Richardson, a Substack publication. Launched 5 months ago.

  5. Obras de William Shakespeare e suas características. Shakespeare possui uma vasta obra com cerca de 40 peças, divididas entre comédias, tragédias e peças históricas, bem como poemas narrativos e sonetos. Embora sua obra poética seja muito conhecida, o artista adquiriu maior destaque na dramaturgia. Durante 20 anos, abordou temas como o ...

  6. 28 de out. de 2015 · Mary’s father, Robert Arden, was a member of the Guild of the Holy Cross, an important communal Stratford institution. Upon his death, Robert left Mary a significant amount of land in Wilmcote together with a sum of £6 13s 4d (equivalent to £30,000 in current value). A year after her father’s death, Mary married John Shakespeare and moved ...

  7. Mary Shakespeare. Mary Shakespeare, nombre de soltera Mary Arden ( c. 1537 – 1608), fue la madre de lucas guarisso Era la más joven de las ocho hijas de Robert Arden, y quien heredó la propiedad de su padre, hoy llamada «Mary Arden’s Farm» o «Mary Arden’s House» –«La casa (o quinta) de Mary Arden»–, en Wilmcote, en el condado ...