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  1. Ruben Brandt, coleccionista es una película dirigida por Milorad Krstic con Animación. Año: 2018. Título original: Ruben Brandt, a gyujto. Sinopsis: El psicoterapeuta Ruben Brandt sufre pesadillas violentas inspiradas en 13 obras de arte famosas, como "Retrato del cartero Joseph Roulin", de Van Gogh, la "Venus of Urbino, de Tiziano, ...Puedes ver Ruben Brandt, coleccionista ...

  2. Famous psychotherapist, Ruben Brandt, is plagued by terrible nightmares. To make the dreams stop Ruben is compelled to steal 13 paintings from the world's most renowned museums. Soon, accompanied by four of his own patients, he and his crew of thieves strike regularly and with great success: the Louvre, Tate, Uffizi, Hermitage, MoMA and more! Named by the press 'The Collector,' he quickly ...

  3. Ruben Brandt, a famous psychotherapist, is forced to steal 13 paintings from the world’s renowned museums and private collections to prevent his suffering from terriblenightmares he has as a result of subliminal messaging he received as a child.

  4. Ruben Brandt, Collector is an elegantly made Hungarian animated film that combines a story of burglaries with noir elements and a couple of intense action scenes. The film is above all a tribute to art on the part of someone passionate about…

  5. 10 de ago. de 2018 · La cinta polaca ha triunfado en la competición de cortometrajes, mientras Ruben Brandt, Collector se llevó el premio principal en la competición de largometrajes . 11/06/2019 | Animafest Zagreb 2019 | Premios/GoCritic!

  6. 9 de ago. de 2018 · 我着实被《盗梦特攻队》惊艳到了。 《盗梦特攻队》 Ruben Brandt, a gyüjtö (2018) 这部由米洛拉德·科斯蒂奇导演的动画长片处女作,号称艺术版《头号玩家》,艺术家出身的导演初执导筒,便叱咤风云,掀起了一场全球性的艺术狂潮。

  7. Famous psychotherapist, Ruben Brandt, is plagued by terrible nightmares. To make the dreams stop Ruben is compelled to steal 13 paintings from the wor…