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  1. Los grados honorarios que ha concedido el Williams College desde 1795 son los siguientes. [1 ... Wikipedia® es una marca registrada de la Fundación ...

  2. WILLIAMS COLLEGE, located at Williamstown, Mass.It owes its origin to the bequest of Col. Ephraim Williams, for establishing a “Free School” in Williamstown. The bequest was made in 1755; the property was sold, and the funds were allowed to accumulate until 1785, when a free school was incorporated by the legislature, and a lottery granted for raising funds to erect a building; in 1790 the ...

  3. Lawrence Hall, qui abritera bientôt le Williams College Museum of Art, avant l'ajout des deux ailes conçues par Francis Allen en 1890. WCMA a été créé en 1926 par Karl Weston, un professeur d'histoire de l'art qui s'est donné pour mission de fournir aux étudiants un endroit où ils pourraient découvrir l'art directement, plutôt que sous forme de diapositives ou de manuels.

  4. Earn college credit, build connections, and develop skills to support strong college applications while exploring your passions. Speakers Bureau The RWU Speakers Bureau connects subject-matter experts from the Roger Williams community with high schools, organizations, clubs, and community centers that can benefit from a tailored presentation or workshop.

  5. William Morris at 23. In June 1852 Morris entered Exeter College at Oxford University, although, since the college was full, he went into residence only in January 1853. He disliked the college and was bored by the manner in which they taught him Classics.

  6. Il Williams College è un'università privata di arti liberali situata a Williamstown nel Massachusetts, tra le più prestigiose università di arti liberali degli Stati Uniti.

  7. ウィリアムズ大学(英語: Williams College )とは、アメリカ合衆国のマサチューセッツ州西部ウィリアムズタウンに位置する私立大学。 アイビー・リーグ レベルの教育を少人数で提供しているとされる、 リベラル・アーツ・カレッジ 群 リトル・アイヴィー の一校である。