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  1. A carte-de-visite portrait of Augusta, Duchess of Cambridge (1797-1889), mother of Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge and Prince George, Duke of Cambridge. Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel was the wife of Prince Adolphus, 1st Duke of Cambridge, the tenth child and seventh son of George III. The longest-lived daughter-in-law of George III, she ...

  2. La princesa Carlota de Gales (Carlota Isabel Diana; Londres, 2 de mayo de 2015) [ 3] [ 4] es la segunda de los hijos, y única hija, de los actuales príncipes de Gales, Guillermo y Catalina, y nieta del rey Carlos III del Reino Unido y de su primera esposa, la princesa Diana de Gales. Como tal, Carlota es miembro de la familia real británica ...

  3. Duke of Cambridge is a hereditary title of nobility in the British royal family, one of several royal dukedoms in the United Kingdom. The title is named after the city [3] of Cambridge in England. It is heritable by male descendants by primogeniture, and has been conferred upon various members of the British royal family several times ...

  4. Carolina Augusta Maria de Gloucester ( 24 de junho de 1774 - 14 de março de 1775) foi membro da família real britânica, bisneta do rei Jorge II, sobrinha do rei Jorge III e filha do príncipe Guilherme Henrique, duque de Gloucester e Edimburgo, e da sua esposa, Maria Walpole, filha de Sir Edward Walpole e da sua amante, Dorothy Clement.

  5. Princesa britânica. Princesa do Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte ( Princess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, em inglês) é um título real historicamente concedido às descendentes femininas diretas ou indiretas de antigos ou incumbentes monarcas britânicos. [ 1] O título é concedido inteiramente ...

  6. Professor Augusta McMahon has a BA in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology from Bryn Mawr College (Pennsylvania) and an M.A. and PhD in Mesopotamian Archaeology from the University of Chicago. She has excavated in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Yemen and has been a member of the Archaeology Division since 1995. She was Course Co-ordinator for ...

  7. August significado, definição August: 1. the eighth month of the year, after July and before September: 2. having great importance and…