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  1. Whitfield Diffie教授是密码学的先驱,安全界的传奇,是公开密钥加密算法和数字签名机制的共同创建者,史上第一个基于公开密钥加密的密钥交换机制——Diffie-Hellman就是以他和他的合作者的名字命名的。. 公开密钥加密是现代密码学的基础核心算法,连同数字 ...

  2. 11 de nov. de 2019 · Los primeros investigadores en encontrar y publicar las ideas de criptografía de llave pública fueron Whitfield Diffie y Martin Hellman de la Universidad de Stanford, junto a Ralph Merkle de la Universidad de Berkeley. Ellos se encontraban trabajando de forma independiente en los mismos problemas hasta que se conocieron y empezaron a colaborar.

  3. 1 de ago. de 2023 · Whitfield Diffie, 2015 ACM Turing Award Recipient. Take Bitcoin, for instance, the first and most famous application of blockchain. When you transact in Bitcoin, your private key signs off the ...

  4. 1 de nov. de 1994 · Whitfield Diffie took cryptography out of the hands of the spooks and made privacy possible in the digital age - by inventing the most revolutionary concept in encryption since the Renaissance.

  5. 30 de jul. de 2023 · Whitfield Diffie is an American cryptographer and one of the pioneers of public-key cryptography. He was born on June 5, 1944, and is best known for his work with Martin Hellman in the mid-1970s on a new method of securing cryptographic keys known as Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

  6. 24 de ago. de 2023 · Whitfield Diffie è uno dei grandi pensatori nel campo della sicurezza informatica, la cui creatività e innovazione hanno aperto la strada alla crittografia a chiave pubblica e alla protezione dei dati digitali. La sua eredità è evidente nella sicurezza delle comunicazioni e nell’architettura delle tecnologie crittografiche moderne.

  7. Diffie kiváló mérnökként érkezett, s elsődleges kutatási területe a kriptográfia nyilvános aspektusainak vizsgálata. 2004 januárjában a Sunnál maradt biztonság technikai vezérigazgatóként, valamint alelnökként és kutatóként. 1992 -ben tudományos doktori címet (Technical Sciences (Honoris Causa)) kap a Svájci Állami ...