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  1. Join us online or in person for this transformative immersion in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, July 14 - 20 Weekly Online Inspirational Service Watch weekly online inspirational services given by SRF monastics.

  2. Paramahansa Yogananda writing Autobiography of a Yogi, SRF Hermitage, Encinitas, 1938. “Still vivid in my memory are the days spent in that peaceful seaside hermitage,” recounts Sri Daya Mata. “He had so many other responsibilities and commitments that he was not able to work on the Autobiography every day; but in general he devoted the evenings to it, and whatever free time he could spare.

  3. Join us online or in person for this transformative immersion in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, July 14 - 20 Weekly Online Inspirational Service Watch weekly online inspirational services given by SRF monastics.

  4. Disciples of Yogananda. Sri Daya Mata – SRF President 1955-2010. Only Love; Finding the Joy Within You; Enter the Quiet Heart; The Skilled Profession of Child-Rearing; Overcoming Character Liabilities; How to Change Others; Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life’s Decisions; Sri Mrinalini Mata – SRF President 2011-2017. Visiting the Saints of ...

  5. Disciples of Yogananda. Sri Daya Mata – SRF President 1955-2010. Only Love; Finding the Joy Within You; Enter the Quiet Heart; The Skilled Profession of Child-Rearing; Overcoming Character Liabilities; How to Change Others; Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life’s Decisions; Sri Mrinalini Mata – SRF President 2011-2017. Visiting the Saints of ...

  6. Paramahansa Yogananda tenait à ce que les Leçons de la Self-Realization Fellowship puissent être facilement mises à la disposition de tous ceux qui désirent sincèrement connaître Dieu. À cette fin, nous les proposons à un prix modique, servant uniquement à couvrir le coût d'impression et les frais d’envoi.

  7. Many dedicated SRF lay members also serve Paramahansa Yogananda’s worldwide work in indispensable ways—working with the monastics at the International Headquarters and other SRF ashram centers, and carrying many responsibilities in the temples and meditation centers around the world.