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  1. Napoléon Bonaparte, pe Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte, pe Jérôme Napoléon, a oa ur priñs gall, priñs Napoléon, priñs Montfort, kont Meudon ha Moncalieri, kenderv d'an impalaer gall Napoleon III, ganet e Trieste d'an 9 a viz Gwengolo 1822 ha marvet e Roma d'ar 17 a viz Meurzh 1891. Ganet e oa e Trieste. Mab yaouankañ Girolamo Buonaparte e oa.

  2. Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha. Napoléon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte (9 September 1822 – 17 March 1891), usually called Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte or Jérôme Bonaparte, was the second son of Jerome, King of Westphalia, youngest brother of Napoleon I, and his second wife Catharina of Württemberg. An outspoken liberal, he became the.

  3. 29 de nov. de 2023 · Father. Victor, Prince Napoléon. Mother. Princess Clémentine of Belgium. Louis, Prince Napoléon ( Louis Jérôme Victor Emmanuel Léopold Marie; 23 January 1914 – 3 May 1997) was a member of the Bonaparte dynasty. He was the pretender to the Imperial throne of France, as Napoléon VI, from 3 May 1926 until his death on 3 May 1997.

  4. Napoléon-Louis (1807-1810) Monarques des Pays-Bas. modifier. Louis Bonaparte, né le 2 septembre 1778 à Ajaccio ( Corse) et mort le 25 juillet 1846 à Livourne ( Toscane ), est un prince français qui fut roi de Hollande de 1806 à 1810 sous le nom de Louis Napoléon Ier ( Lodewijk Napoleon I en néerlandais ).

  5. When Hippolyte Flandrin painted this portrait in 1860, Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte (9 September 1822 – 17 March 1891), better known as Jerome-Napoleon, was 40 years old. Reality is not embellished. The painter has put the subject in a minimalist setting against a plain, dark background. Jerome-Napoleon, Prince Napoleon, wears an ...

  6. It was therefore in England that Jerome Napoléon Bonaparte was born in 1805, the fruit of their union. Napoleon 1st obtains the annulment of the marriage because of minority, makes of Jerome a rear-admiral and marries him to the princess Frederique Catherine of Wurtemberg in August 1807 before giving him a kingdom of junk built especially for him : the kingdom of Westphalia.

  7. Quelques jours plus tôt, le 16 août, Jérôme Bonaparte était devenu à 23 ans roi de Westphalie, bientôt couronné le 8 décembre à Cassel, capitale de son royaume. Construit de toutes pièces par Napoléon, le royaume de Westphalie comprend les états de Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, la partie d'Alt-Marck, et celle du pays de Magdebourg ...